Sailor Moon in Russia
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The bilingual logo |
Sailor Moon in Russia refers to the Russian translation and adaption of the Sailor Moon series in Russia, which includes the Sailor Moon anime and the Sailor Moon manga. The Russian name of the series was written as one word, "Sailormoon" (Сейлормун), and this tradition mostly persists in Russian media to this day.
- 1 Anime
- 1.1 Translation and Channels
- 1.2 Censorship and Changes
- 1.3 Names
- 1.4 Voice actors
- 1.5 Transformations and Attacks
- 1.5.1 Voiceover Adaptation
- Sailor Moon
- Sailor Mercury
- Sailor Mars
- Sailor Jupiter
- Sailor Venus
- Sailor Uranus
- Sailor Neptune
- Sailor Pluto
- Sailor Saturn
- Sailor Chibi Moon
- Sailor Star Fighter
- Sailor Star Healer
- Sailor Star Maker
- 1.5.2 2018 dub
- 1.5.1 Voiceover Adaptation
- 2 Manga
- 3 Trivia
Translation and Channels
Voiceover Adaptation
Seasons 1-3
The initial series run aired on the weekends on on channel 2x2 from 1996-1997, and consisted only of the first three seasons. The translation was done by 2x2 Telemarket. As it is common in Russia, it was not a full lip-synched dub but a voiceover; all male roles were voiced by Vadim Andreev and all female and child roles were voiced by Lyudmila Ilyina. The same three seasons were broadcast in Kazakhstan by channel 31 in 1998, by channel TNT in 2000, and by channel Stolitsa in 2001-2002.
The season names were changed as follows:
- Original: Сейлормун — Луна в Матроске (Sailormoon: The Moon in a Sailor Suit)
- R: Сейлормун снова с нами (Sailormoon Is With Us Again)
- S: Сейлормун — супервоин (Sailormoon the Super Warrior)
The designation "Moon in a Sailor Suit" (Луна в Матроске) appeared in Sailor Moon's introduction speech in the first run, and was subject to frequent parody in Russian media. For the rerun on TNT, it was removed and the introduction speech rewritten more faithfully to the original, but the designation remained in the season title. It was never referenced in the episodes themselves apart from the original introduction speech.
The next episode previews were never shown, and the avant-titles were moved to right after the opening song (except for episode 89, which kept the opening sequence in proper order). The eyecatches were also removed, as no commercial breaks were inserted into the episodes. The episode title screens were kept in Japanese, so the Russian titles for the episodes never appeared on screen in written form and were only heard in the translated voiceovers telling the episode name.
In all three seasons, creditless versions of the opening and ending sequences were used instead of the original ones. The actual Russian credits were simply voiced over, so there was no writing in the ending sequence apart from the series name, the air time, and the words "To Be Continued...", which were added during the early runs on TNT. On the reruns, the ending was often cut from right after the translation group was announced.
The original season retained the first pair of opening/ending sequences during its entire length, and the second pair, which originally began with episode 27, was never shown. In addition, both "Moonlight Densetsu" and "Heart Moving" were played without vocals. The ending sequence was altered slightly by overlaying fragments from the series.
The second season retained both of its openings and the ending, but the theme songs were still played without vocals. The versions with vocals started being used from episode 89 onwards; episode 89 was therefore the only case when the DALI version of "Moonlight Densetsu" was heard with vocals in the opening. The episode also retained its unique opening sequence, which included the second opening of the first season that had been removed from Russian broadcast.
The third season retained its opening sequence with the proper song; however, similar to Pioneer's English release, the final modification of it was used, spoiling the appearance of the Outer Senshi, Sailor Chibi Moon, Hotaru, and Super Sailor Moon. The ending sequence used the video from the "Tuxedo Mirage" ending from the start, but played "Otome no Policy" until episode 110. The credits were handled the same way as in previous seasons.
Episode 114 was omitted from the first run on TNT and did not appear until the rerun, although no changes were made to the episode other than those common for the entire season. It was present during the previous run on channel 31.
Seasons 4-5
The SuperS and Stars seasons aired on the weekends from September 15, 2001 until April 21, 2002, making Russia one of the few countries where all 200 episodes were broadcast. However, as TNT apparently purchased the German dub for these two seasons, which was then re-dubbed into Russian, these seasons became the only ones where the season logos, as well as opening and closing sequences from their Japanese counterparts, were not used. In addition, unlike the first three seasons, the last two had no season subtitle and were broadcast simply under the name "Sailormoon."
The translation itself was done by SV-Double, a different company, and therefore different voice actors were used though it was still a voiceover with the Japanese audio track in the background and not a true dub, and the translation itself appeared to be based at least in part on the German dialogue. It quickly became infamous among the Russian fandom for being very inconsistent with the previous seasons' translation and having inferior script and voices.
The fourth season initially used the German opening and ending sequence, which were slightly altered credits from the first season, including the song "Sag das Zauberwort" and the title "Sailor Moon - Das Mädchen mit den Zauberkräften." The opening included two additional shots of Sailor V (who was not even mentioned during that season) and Luna at the beginning of the sequence. Halfway through, the German logo was replaced with the bilingual logo "Sailormoon: Сейлормун," and the songs were replaced by the same instrumentals used in the Russian dub of the first season. On the rerun, this change was applied to all episodes of the fourth season. The fifth season continued to use the same opening and ending sequences as the fourth.
The episode titles were carried over from the German version and remained written on screen in German, translated into Russian in voiceovers in a manner similar to the previous seasons. The fifth season kept the same episode title screen as the fourth, even though the fifth season had nothing to do with Pegasus. Episode 181, however, used the correct music for the episode title screen, but not the screen itself.
The unique ending of episode 200 was not used, and the same ending as in the previous episodes played instead.
The last time Sailor Moon was shown on TNT was on April 14, 2006.
2018 Dub
In late 2018, Russian channel СТС Love announced they would air the Sailor Moon anime, this time with a proper dub. This dub consisted of only the first season, and it premiered on December 1, 2018, with a 6+ rating. New episodes aired every Saturday until December 29, 2018. On January 1, 2019, the channel showed a marathon of the series, which included the last 11 episodes which were previously unaired. The dub was done in the русский дубляж studio, with the translation using Viz Media's English dub. There has been no news of the channel showing Sailor Moon R and beyond.
The last time Sailor Moon was shown on CTC Love was on July 2, 2021.
Censorship and Changes
Voiceover Adaptation
- With the exception of the opening and closing sequences as described above, there were no alterations to the animation. The original imagery was retained at all times, uncut and uncensored. All of the Japanese writing except the credits themselves was left in; some of this writing was translated in voiceovers, but most was not.
- All of the insert songs were untouched and the Japanese lyrics were left untranslated; sometimes, a voiceover was added to a part of the song explaining the meaning of the lyrics, with little to no attempt to make the text fit the music or to follow the original text word for word.
- Zoisite remained male, although his personality became more masculine and his romance with Kunzite was downplayed. The scene of Zoisite's death in episode 35 had him telling Kunzite that he had loved him "as a father."
- In the third season Haruka Tenou, despite being female and confirming it, was consistently referred to (and referred to herself) with masculine pronouns, even as Sailor Uranus. This, however, was likely due to peculiarities of the Russian language, since it generally does not allow for gender-neutral writing, and Haruka was required to use masculine speech to explain why she was consistently thought to be a man by other characters. Her romance with Michiru was retained, if slightly downplayed, and there were no attempts to present the two as relatives or justify their close relationship in any way. In the fifth season, however, Haruka was voiced by a male actor in her civilian form, much like the Sailor Starlights.
- Makoto's "crush" on Haruka in episode 96 remained unchanged and was consistently pointed out by other characters, including them reminding Makoto of Haruka being a woman and suggesting that Makoto might be a lesbian. The final explanation was the same as in the original.
- Tamasaburou was initially identified as a "young man" by Chibiusa, but after that was consistently referred to as a girl by all characters including "herself." When Chibiusa was fascinated by Tamasaburou's skills and wanted to become "her" apprentice, it therefore looked similar to the previously mentioned incident with Makoto and Haruka. This was largely believed by fans to have been a mistake on part of the translation group, as there was no perceived reason to change the character's gender, given that the scene of Zoisite crossdressing as Sailor Moon in the first season was not considered objectionable.
- Fisheye became a woman, although the scene where "she" revealed "her" chest in episode 140 remained unchanged.
- The Sailor Starlights were consistently referred to as males, even in their Senshi forms, despite visible breasts. However, different sets of voices were used for their civilian and Senshi identities, though when they called out their transformation phrases male and female voice actors were used inconsistently.
- Queen Metalia was changed to be male and officially became "King Metalia."
2018 Dub
The second dub was more faithful to the original, but there were some cuts in certain episodes.
- The opening was partially cut in the initial airing: after the logo appeared and the translator called out the name of the series, the author and the production company, it jumped right to the beginning of the episode. The ending sequence was shortened for most episodes but was fully shown in episodes 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 46. Both the opening and ending theme songs featured the original Japanese versions of "Moonlight Densetsu", "Heart Moving," and "Princess Moon."
- In the first run, episodes 34 and 35 featured no recap of the previous episode and all scenes before the title card were cut.
- Usagi's introduction was shown only in episodes 2, 15, 22, 26, and 29.
Main Characters
Original | Russian |
Usagi Tsukino | Банни Цукино (Bunny Tsukino) (seasons 1-3) Усаги Цукино (Usagi Tsukino) (seasons 4-5, 2018 dub) |
Ami Mizuno | Ами Мицуно (Ami Mitsuno) Ами Мизуно (Ami Mizuno) (2018 dub) |
Rei Hino | Рей Хино (Rei Hino) |
Makoto Kino | Макото Кино (Makoto Kino) |
Minako Aino | Минако Аино (Minako Aino) |
Haruka Tenou | Харука Тено (Haruka Teno) |
Michiru Kaiou | Мичиру Кайо (Michiru Kaio) |
Setsuna Meiou | Сецуна Мейо (Setsuna Meio) |
Hotaru Tomoe | Хотару Томо (Hotaru Tomo) |
Chibiusa | Малышка Банни (Little Bunny) (seasons 1-3) Чибиуса (Chibiusa) (seasons 4-5) |
Mamoru Chiba | Мамору Джиба (Mamoru Jiba) (seasons 1-3) Мамору Чиба (Mamoru Chiba) (seasons 4-5, 2018 dub) |
Except for Usagi, Chibiusa, and Queen Beryl, no characters suffered significant name changes; those that were made were mostly done for the ease of pronunciation by Russians.
As it was common in European translations, Usagi became Bunny Tsukino. The name "Bunny" was not translated from English into Russian, but its meaning was mentioned during her narrations in early episodes.
Chibiusa became "Little Girl Bunny" (Малышка Банни), although she was usually simply referred to by the Russian term for "little girl" (Малышка). The "Rabbit" nickname used by the Black Moon Clan in the original version was not kept; in episode 60 they simply called her "Bunny," and later used the same "Little Girl" nickname as the rest of the characters.
In episodes 17-24 and 47 Ami Mizuno was erroneously called "Ami Tsumino" during Bunny's introduction speech. The correct name was used everywhere else and remained consistent for Sailor Moon R and beyond.
In SuperS and Stars, which were dubbed later, both Usagi and Chibiusa were referred to by their Japanese names.
Usagi's nickname "Odango Atama"/"Odango" did not have a consistent translation. For most of the first season, in places where Mamoru originally used the nickname it was often replaced with insults, making Mamoru's lines sound much more harsh than they were in the original. When he started to use it affectionately in the R season and beyond, a common replacement was "round-faced" ("Круглолицая"). When used by Seiya in the Stars season, it was changed to "Dolly" (Куколка) or "Doughnut" (Пончик), depending on the episode, but neither version referred to Usagi's hairstyle.
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and (in the third season only) Sailor Uranus kept their planet names in English ("Mercury" was pronounced slightly differently, but this was just to simplify it for the Russian actors); however, the rest of the Solar System Senshi had their planet names translated into Russian. The difference in sound was usually minimal, but in some cases quite noticeable, especially with Venus (Венера).
Sailor V retained her name, but during her introduction as Sailor Venus in episode 33, the other girls referred to her as "Sailor Five" ("Сейлор Пять").
In the third season Sailor Chibi Moon was called "Sailor Little Girl" ("Сейлор Малышка," using the same term as her nickname in civilian form, and completely dropping "Moon"). In later seasons, she retained the original name.
The only difference in Tuxedo Mask's name was that the word "Tuxedo" was given a slightly odd pronunciation; it should technically have been transcribed as "Таксидо," but instead was consistently heard as "Такседо," with the "eh" sound in the middle instead of a more appropriate "ee" - and the "eh" even remained stressed.
The Sailor Starlights got a treatment similar to the Sailor Animamates and had the word "Sailor" moved to the middle of the name; Sailor Star Fighter was called "Star Sailor Warrior" ("Звёздный Сейлор Воин"), Sailor Star Maker was "Star Sailor Creator" ("Звёздный Сейлор Творец"), and Sailor Star Healer was "Star Sailor Healer" ("Звёздный Сейлор Целитель"). The collective name "Sailor Starlights" was rendered simply as "Star Sailor Soldiers/Warriors" ("Звёздные Сейлор-воины"). Their transformation phrases were left out completely, and instead, they called out their Senshi names.
The name of the group "Three Lights" was translated to "Three Stars" ("Три Звезды"), which made it a pun in Russian (the word "star" still carries an additional meaning in Russian, as in "pop-star") but not a literal translation.
Princess Kakyuu was called "Princess Meteor" ("Принцесса Метеор").
The 2018 dub featured no name changes, as all characters, including Usagi, had their original names. Sailor V was referred to as "Sailor Vi" ("Сейлор Ви"), while Tuxedo Mask's name was given an odd pronunciation, similar to the first dub, but this time it sounded more like "Taxedo Mask" ("Такседо Маск").
Dark Kingdom
Original | Russian |
Queen Beryl | Королева Погибель (Queen Ruin) Королева Берилл (Queen Berill) (2018 dub) |
Queen Metallia | Король Металия (King Metalia) Королева Металия (Queen Metalia) (2018 dub) |
Jadeite | Джедайт (Jedite) |
Nephrite | Нефрит (Nefrit/Nephrit) |
Zoisite | Зойсайт (Zoisite) |
Kunzite | Кунсайт (Kunsite) |
Queen Beryl is the only known case in the entire series where the Russian name had nothing to do in sound or meaning with the original. Some Russian fans have speculated that the translators misheard her name, thinking that it was the English word "Peril," and chose a name related to that in meaning. Her name was the same as in original in the 2018 dub.
Jadeite, Zoisite, and Kunzite retained the English pronunciation of their names, while Nephrite did not: his name was translated to the Russian name for the mineral nephrite. The term "Shitennou" was not used, and they were instead referred to as "generals".
Episode 2 had Jadeite's name pronounced as "Jeditti" ("Джедитти"), but the correct name was used elsewhere.
Original | Russian |
Makaiju | Дерево Тёмного Мира (Tree of the Dark World) |
Ail | Эйл (Ail) |
An | Анна (Anna) |
An became the Russian equivalent of the name Ann, while Ail's name was unchanged.
Black Moon Clan
Original | Russian |
Berthier | Бертерайт (Berthierite) |
Koan | Кермесайт (Kermesite) |
Petz | Петцайт (Petzite) |
Calaveras | Калаверайт (Calaverite) |
Rubeus | Рубеус (Rubeus) |
Esmeraude | Изумруд (Emerald) |
Saphir | Сапфир (Sapphire) |
Prince Demande | Принц Алмаз (Prince Diamond) |
The Spectre Sisters became "Pursuer Sisters" (Сёстры-преследовательницы), and their names were changed to English names for the respective minerals (as opposed to literal translations into Russian). The names of Esmeraude, Saphir, and Demande were literal translations of the respective gemstone names into Russian, and they are therefore pronounced differently from the English names (given in brackets). Rubeus' name was unchanged.
The name of the planet Nemesis was usually pronounced as "Menezis" (Менезис).
Death Busters
Original | Russian |
Professor Souichi Tomoe | Доктор Соичи Томо (Doctor Soichi Tomo) |
Kaolinite | Каоринайт (Kaorinite) |
Eudial | Юджил (Eugeal) |
Mimete | Мимет (Mimet) |
Tellu | Телулу (Telulu) |
Viluy | Бириют (Biriut) |
Cyprine | Сайприн (Cyprine) |
Ptilol | Питирол (Pitirol) |
Neither of these were literal translations. Kaolinite's Russian name pronunciation followed the same pattern as those of the Shitennou (except Nephrite) and the Spectre Sisters, and was a rendition of the English pronunciation.
Mistress Nine and Pharaoh Ninety retained their English names, except that the Russian word for pharaoh (фараон; "pharaon") was used, and the "e" in "ninety" was not only pronounced, but also stressed.
The Death Busters themselves became "Apostles of Death" (Апостолы смерти).
Dead Moon Circus
Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye, and Fisheye had their names literally translated into Russian (but the translations were not based on the mineral names). The name "Amazon Trio" was left unchanged, except for episode 128 where Zirconia referred to them simply as "my trio."
Shadow Galactica
The Sailor Animamates used a slightly different pattern for their names: the word "Sailor" was inserted between the metal and animal names. For instance, Sailor Iron Mouse became "Steel Sailor Mouse." As a result, this diminished the emphasis on "Sailor... Iron Mouse?" when Sailor Moon first met her, downplaying the fact that she was surprised to learn that her enemies were also Sailor Senshi.
Original | Russian |
Sailor Iron Mouse | Стальная Сейлор-Мышь (Steel Sailor Mouse) |
Sailor Aluminum Seiren | Алюминиевая Сейлор-Сирена (Alumin[i]um Sailor Siren) |
Sailor Lead Crow | Сейлор-Ворона (Sailor Crow) |
Sailor Tin Nyanko | Жестяная Сейлор-Мяу (Tin Sailor Meow) |
Crow was the only Animamate to have her metal completely omitted.
The Youma, Droids, Daimons, and Phage were all called "demons." The Cardians were called "cards," and the Lemures were known by their English name, "remless" ("remluss").
Voice actors
2018 dub
Character | Actors |
Усаги Цукино/Сейлор Мун | Ольга Кузьмина (Olga Kuzmina) |
Ами Мизуно/Сейлор Меркури | Ольга Голованова (Olga Golovanova) |
Рей Хино/Сейлор Марс | Татьяна Абрамова (Tatyana Abramova) |
Макото Кино/Сейлор Юпитер | Ева Финкельштейн (Eva Finkelstein) |
Минако Айно/Сейлор Венера | Ольга Голованова (Olga Golovanova) |
Мамору Чиба/Такседо Маск | Олег Вирозуб (Oleg Virozub) |
Джедайт | Евгений Рубцов (Evgeniy Rubtsov) |
Нефрит | Евгений Рубцов (Evgeniy Rubtsov) |
Зойсайт | Олег Вирозуб (Oleg Virozub) |
Кунсайт | Евгений Рубцов (Evgeniy Rubtsov) |
Королева Берилл | Ольга Голованова (Olga Golovanova) |
Королева Металия | Татьяна Абрамова (Tatyana Abramova) |
Луна | Ева Финкельштейн (Eva Finkelstein) |
Артемис | Евгений Рубцов (Evgeniy Rubtsov) |
Нару Осака | Ева Финкельштейн (Eva Finkelstein) |
Гурио Умино | Олег Вирозуб (Oleg Virozub) |
Юичиро Кумада | Евгений Рубцов (Evgeniy Rubtsov) |
Transformations and Attacks
Voiceover Adaptation
The Russian dub was notorious for its "artistic liberty" when it came to transformation and attack names. Not only did they almost never match their English counterparts, with the exception of Deep Submerge (briefly, only in the beginning of Sailor Moon S) and possibly Silence Wall and Dead Scream (in Sailor Stars), but also several powers used by the same character often received the same name even when it made no sense story-wise, and vice versa: one attack was often given a different name in different episodes, even within the same season.
For example, all four phrases Usagi used throughout the series to transform were translated the same way. On the other hand, World Shaking had four translations only used in a single episode, until the fifth and final version, which had nothing to do with the original name, was agreed on and was used for the remainder of Sailor Moon S (and in Sailor Stars).
Sailor Moon
Original | Russian | Translation |
Moon Prism Power, Make Up | Лунная призма, дай мне силу! Луна, призма, дай мне силу! (episodes 1 and 3) Призма Луны, дай мне силу! (episodes 10-12, 14) Лунная призма, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 21) |
Moon prism, give me the power! Moon, prism, give me the power! Moon prism, give me the power! Moon prism, give me the power! To battle! |
Moon Power, [disguise] ni nare | Сила Луны, преврати меня в [disguise]! Властью Луны, хочу быть [disguise]! (episode 3) Лунная сила, преврати меня в [disguise]! (episode 6) Сила Луны, сделай меня [disguise]! (episode 16) Лунная призма, преврати меня в [disguise]! (episode 42) Волшебная сила Луны, преврати меня в [disguise]! (episode 52) |
Moon power, transform me into a [disguise]! By the power of Moon, I want to be a [disguise]! Moon power, transform me into a [disguise]! Moon power, make me a [disguise]! Moon prism, transform me into a [disguise]! Moon magical power, transform me into a [disguise]! |
Moon Crystal Power, Make Up | Лунная призма, дай мне силу! Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги! (episode 51) Лунная призма, дайте нам силу! (episodes 54, 71, and 87) Лунная призма, дай мне силу, дайте нам силу! (episode 75) |
Moon prism, give me the power! Moon healing power, help! Moon prism, give us the power! Moon prism, give me the power, give us the power! |
Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up | Лунная призма, дай мне силу! Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги! (episode 91) Лунная призма, дай нам силу! (episode 93) Волшебный лунный жезл, помоги! (episode 107) Лунная призма, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 124) Лунная призма, в бой! (episode 126) Лунная призма, дай мне сил! (episode 130) |
Moon prism, give me the power! Moon healing power, help! Moon prism, give us the power! Magical moon rod, help! Moon prism, give me the power! To battle! Moon prism, to battle! Moon prism, give me the powers! |
Crisis, Make Up | Святой грааль, дай мне силу! Сила святого грааля! (episodes 112 and 113) Волшебная сила Луны, помоги! (episodes 114 and 121) Волшебная сила Луны, в бой! (episodes 119 and 120) Лунная призма, дай мне силу! (episode 122) Волшебный лунный жезл, помоги! (episode 125) |
Holy grail, give me the power! Holy grail power! Magical Moon power, help! Magical Moon power, to battle! Moon prism, give me the power! Magical Moon rod, help! |
Moon Crisis, Make Up | Лунные призмы, дайте нам силу! Сила Луны, исцели! (episode 130) Я призываю на помощь Луну! (episode 131) Лунные призмы, дайте нам силы! Лунные призмы, в бой! (episode 168) |
Moon prisms, give us the power! Moon power, heal! I call on Moon for help! Moon prisms, give us the powers! Moon prisms, to battle! |
Moon Eternal, Make Up | Вечная Луна, помоги! (episode 168) Лунная призма, дай мне силу! |
Eternal Moon, help! Moon prism, give me the power! |
Moon Tiara Action | Лунная диадема(, в бой)! Луна, диадема, в бой! (episode 3) Лунная призма, дай мне силу! (episode 114) Лунная призма, в бой! (episode 123) |
Moon diadem(, to battle)! Moon, diadem, to battle! Moon prism, give me the power! Moon prism, to battle! |
Moon Tiara Stardust | Лунная диадема, рассыпь звёздную пыль! | Moon tiara, spread the stardust! |
Sailor Moon Kick | Сила Луны, в бой! | Moon power, to battle! |
Moon Healing Escalation | Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги! Лунная призма, дай мне силу! (episode 26) Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги мне! (episode 27) Сила Луны, исцели её! (episode 29) |
Moon healing power, help! Moon prism, give me the power! Moon healing power, help me! Moon power, heal her! |
Moon Princess Halation | Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги! Лунная диадема, в бой! (episode 74) |
Moon healing power, help! Moon diadem, to battle! |
Sailor Body Attack | Перехожу к контактному бою! | Switching to contact combat! |
Moon Spiral Heart Attack | Волшебный лунный жезл, помоги! Волшебный лунный жезл, в бой! (episode 91) |
Magical moon rod, help! Magical moon rod, to battle! |
Double Sailor Moon Kick | Двойной удар Сейлор Мун! | Sailor Moon double punch! |
Rainbow Moon Heartache | Волшебный лунный жезл, помоги! | Magical Moon rod, help! |
Moon Gorgeous Meditation | (Волшебный) лунный калейдоскоп, в бой! | (Magical) Moon kaleidoscope, to battle! |
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss | Медовый поцелуй невесты! Волшебный поцелуй невесты! (episode 185) |
Bride honey kiss! Bride magical kiss! |
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss | Поцелуй серебряного кристалла! Поцелуй серебряной Луны! (episodes 192, 194, and 195) |
Silver crystal kiss! Silver Moon kiss! |
Silver Moon Crystal Power | Сила серебряного кристалла! | Silver crystal power! |
Sailor Mercury
Original | Russian | Translation |
Mercury Power, Make Up | Призма Меркурия, дай мне силу! (episodes 8 and 27) Сила Меркурия, приди ко мне! (episodes 9 and 11) Меркурий, дай мне силу! (episodes 13 and 33) Сила Меркурия, помоги мне! (episode 15) Сила Меркурия, в бой! (episodes 16, 20, and 48) Сила Меркури, в бой! (episode 21) Сила Меркурия, дай нам силу! (episode 45) Исцеляющая сила Луны, помоги! (episode 53) Сила Меркурия, дайте нам силу! (episode 54) Меркурий, дайте нам силу! (episode 58) |
Mercury prism, give me the power! Mercury power, come to me! Mercury, give me the power! Mercury power, help me! Mercury power, to battle! Mercury power, to battle! Mercury power, give us the power! Moon healing power, help! Mercury power, give us the power! Mercury, give us the power! |
Mercury Star Power, Make Up | Сила Меркурия, дай мне силу! Сила Меркурия, дай мне силы! (episode 67) Меркурий! Сила Меркурия, дай мне силу! (episode 71) Сила Меркурия, дайте нам силу! (episodes 72, 75, and 87) Сила Меркурия, дай нам силу! (episode 93) Сила планеты Меркурий, дай мне силу! (episode 122) Сила планеты Меркурия, дай мне силу! (episode 123) Сила Меркурия, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 124) Сила Меркурия, в бой! (episode 126) Всесильный Марс, помоги нам! (episode 138) |
Mercury power, give me the power! Mercury power, give me the powers! Mercury! Mercury power, give me the power! Mercury power, give us the power! Mercury power, give us the power! Mercury planet power, give me the power! Mercury planet power, give me the power! Mercury power, give me the power! To battle! Mercury power, to battle! Almighty Mars, help us! |
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up | Меркурий, дай мне силу! Кристалл Меркурия, дай нам силы! (episode 155) Кристалл Меркурия, дай мне силу! (episode 168) Сила Меркурия, в бой! (episode 185) Меркурий, дай мне силу! Дай мне силу! (episode 193) |
Mercury, give me the power! Mercury crystal, give us the powers! Mercury crystal, give me the power! Mercury power, to battle! Mercury, give me the power! Give me the power! |
Sabão Spray | Мыльный дождь(, в бой)! Лунный дождь, ко мне! (episode 8) |
Soap rain(, to battle)! Moon rain, come to me! |
Sabão Spray Freezing | Мыльный дождь, в бой! | Soap rain, to battle! |
Double Sabão Spray Freezing | Мыльный дождь, в бой! | Soap rain, to battle! |
Shine Aqua Illusion | Мыльный дождь, в бой! Цепь любви Венеры, в бой! (episode 109) Сияй, небесная влага! (episode 136) Мерцающая волна, в бой! (episode 138) Я - мерцающая волна! (episode 143) |
Soap rain, to battle! Venus love chain, to battle! Shine, sky moisture! Shimmering wave, to battle! I am a shimmering wave! |
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody | Мерцающая волна, в бой! Сияй, небесная влага! (episode 160) Меркурий! Мерцающая волна! (episode 168) Летите, грозные молнии! (episode 170) Водяная рапсодия, действуй! (episode 185) |
Shimmering wave, to battle! Shine, sky moisture! Mercury! Shimmering wave! Fly, fearsome lightnings! Water rhapsody, act! |
Sailor Mars
Original | Russian | Translation |
Mars Power, Make Up | Сила Марса, приди ко мне! (episodes 10 and 11) Марс, дай мне силу! (episodes 13 and 33) Сила Марса, в бой! (episodes 16, 20, 21, and 48) Призма Марса, дай мне силу! (episodes 37 and 38) Сила Марса, дай нам силу! (episode 45) Дух огня, дай мне силу! (episode 54) Марс, дайте нам силу! (episode 58) |
Mars power, come to me! Mars, give me the power! Mars Power, to battle! Mars prism, give me the power! Mars power, give us the power! Fire spirit, give me the power! Mars, give us the power! |
Mars Star Power, Make Up | Сила Марса, дай мне силу! Сила Марса, дайте нам силу! (episodes 71, 72, 75, and 87) Сила Марса, дай нам силу! (episode 93) Сила планеты Марса, дай мне силу! (episode 123) Сила Марса, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 124) Сила Марса, в бой! (episode 126) |
Mars power, give me the power! Mars power, give us the power! Mars power, give us the power! Mars planet power, give me the power! Mars power, give me the power! To battle! Mars power, to battle! |
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up | Марс, дай мне силу! Кристалл Марса, дай нам силы! (episode 155) Кристалл Марса, дай мне силу! (episode 168) Сила Марса, в бой! (episode 183) Марс, дай мне силу! Дай мне силу! (episode 193) |
Mars, give me the power! Mars crystal, give us the powers! Mars crystal, give me the power! Mars power, to battle! Mars, give me the power! Give me the power! |
Fire Soul | Дух огня, в бой! Дух огня, к бою! (episode 10) Дух огня! (episodes 12, 31, and 63) Душа огня, в бой! (episodes 16 and 22) Пламенная душа, в бой! (episode 139) Огонь, порази врага! (episode 149) |
Fire spirit, to battle! Fire spirit, to battle! Fire spirit! Fire soul, to battle! Fiery soul, to battle! Fire, smite the enemy! |
Fire Soul Bird | Дух огня, в бой! | Fire spirit, to battle! |
Akuryo Taisan | Демоны тьмы, уйдите из меня! (episode 11) Уничтожить злые силы! (episode 11) То, чем ты движешь, пусть движется к тебе! (episode 13) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Дух огня, в бой! (episodes 17 and 56) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! (episode 18) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Дух огня, в бой! (episode 22) Огонь, зажгись, пробудись, зажгись, пробудись, зажгись, пробудись! Священный огонь, сожги это зло! (episode 40) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Силы небесные, помогите! (episode 48) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! (episode 49) Всё, что движется ко мне, пусть движется обратно! Сгинь! (episode 69) Злые духи, немедленно оставьте Уназуки в покое! (episode 94) Злой дух, убирайся прочь! (episode 99) Лунные воины, ко мне! (episode 168) |
Darkness demons, leave me! Destroy evil forces! What you move, let it move to you! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Fire spirit, to battle! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Fire spirit, to battle! Fire, light up, awaken, light up, awaken, light up, awaken! Sacred fire, burn this evil! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Heavenly powers, help! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Anything that moves towards me, let it move back! Go away! Evil spirits, leave Unazuki alone immediately! Evil spirit, go away! Moon warriors, come to me! |
Burning Mandala | Дух огня(, в бой)! Пылающая мандала! (episode 129) Пламенная душа, в бой! (episode 139) Пламенная душа Марса, в бой! (episode 143) Я - пылающая душа! (episode 143) Гори! (episode 152) |
Fire spirit(, to battle)! Flaming mandala! Fiery soul, to battle! Mars fiery soul, to battle! I am a flaming soul! Burn! |
Mars Flame Sniper | Огненная стрела Марса, в бой! Пламенная душа, держись! (episode 155) Пламенная душа Марса, в бой! (episode 158) Лети, огненная стрела! (episode 160) Огненная стрела Марса, вперёд! (episode 162) Марс! Пламенная душа! (episode 168) Огненная стрела, стрела Марса! (episode 171) Огненная стрела Марса! (episode 183) |
Mars fire arrow, to battle! Fiery soul, hang in there! Mars fiery soul, to battle! Fly, fire arrow! Mars fire arrow, go forward! Mars! Fiery soul! Fire arrow, Mars arrow! Mars fire arrow! |
Sailor Jupiter
Original | Russian | Translation |
Jupiter Power, Make Up | Призма Юпитера, дай мне силу! (episodes 25, 26, and 29) Юпитер, дай мне силу! (episodes 33 and 55) Сила Юпитера, дай нам силу! (episode 45) Сила Юпитера, в бой! (episode 48) Сила Юпитера, дайте нам силу! (episode 54) Юпитер, дайте нам силу! (episode 58) |
Jupiter prism, give me the power! Jupiter, give me the power! Jupiter power, give us the power! Jupiter power, to battle! Jupiter power, give us the power! Jupiter, give us the power! |
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up | Сила Юпитера, дай мне силу! Сила Юпитера, дайте нам силу! (episodes 71, 72, 75, and 87) Сила Юпитера, дай нам силу! (episode 93) Дух грома, в бой! (episode 96) Сила планеты Юпитер, дай мне силу! (episode 123) Сила Юпитера, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 124) Сила Юпитера, в бой! (episode 126) Призма Юпитера, дай мне силу! (episode 134) |
Jupiter power, give me the power! Jupiter power, give us the power! Jupiter power, give us the power! Thunder spirit, to battle! Jupiter planet power, give me the power! Jupiter power, give me the power! To battle! Jupiter power, to battle! Jupiter prism, give me the power! |
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up | Кристалл Юпитера, дай нам силу! (episode 154) Кристалл Юпитера, дай нам силы! (episode 155) Юпитер, дай мне силу! (episodes 161, 162, 188, and 196) Кристалл Юпитера, дай мне силу! (episode 168) Сила Юпитера, в бой! (episode 179) Юпитер, дай мне силу! Дай мне силу! (episode 193) |
Jupiter crystal, give us the power! Jupiter crystal, give us the powers! Jupiter, give me the power! Jupiter crystal, give me the power! Jupiter power, to battle! Jupiter, give me the power! Give me the power! |
Supreme Thunder | Дух грома, в бой! Юпитер, моя планета-хранитель, помоги мне, обрушь на него грозу! Пусть грянет гром! (episode 25) Юпитер, моя планета-хранитель, пусть будет гроза, пусть грянет гром! Пусть грянет гром! (episode 26) Гром и молния, в бой! (episode 27) Пусть грянет гром, пусть грянет гром! (episode 28) Моя планета-хранитель Юпитер, обрушь на их головы грозу! Пусть грянет гром! (episode 29) Дух великого Юпитера, обрушь на них грозу, пусть грянет гром! Сила Юпитера, в бой! (episode 34) Дух грома, пошли грозу, нагони тучи, метни молнии! Дух грома, в бой! (episode 49) Летите, грозные молнии! (episodes 134 and 139) |
Thunder spirit, to battle! Jupiter, my guardian planet, help me, bring a thunderstorm upon him! Let there be thunder! Jupiter, my guardian planet, let there be thunder, let there be thunder! Let there be thunder! Thunder and lightning, to battle! Let there be thunder, let there be thunder! My guardian planet Jupiter, bring down thunder upon their heads! Let there be thunder! Spirit of the great Jupiter, bring down thunder upon them, let there be thunder! Jupiter power, to battle! Thunder spirit, send a thunderstorm, gather the clouds, hurl lightnings! Thunder spirit, to battle! Fly, fearsome lightnings! |
Supreme Thunder Dragon | Юпитер, мой хранитель, пригони грозу, собери тучи, метни молнии! Дух грома, в бой! | Jupiter, my guardian, bring the thunder, gather the clouds, hurl lightnings! Thunder spirit, to battle! |
Sparkling Wide Pressure | Дух грома(, в бой)! Сила грома, в бой! (episode 72) Нет тебе прощения! (episode 96) Посмотрим, кто кого! (episode 99) Сила Юпитера, в бой! (episode 105) Ты мне за всё заплатишь! (episode 105) Летите, грозные молнии! (season 4) Вот это давление! (episode 130) Мерцающая волна, в бой! (episode 134) Я - грозная молния! (episode 143) |
Thunder spirit, to battle! Thunder power, to battle! There is no forgiveness for you! Let's see who wins! Jupiter power, to battle! You're going to pay me for everything! Fly, fearsome lightnings! What a pressure! Shimmering wave, to battle! I am a fearsome lightning! |
Super Supreme Thunder | Летите, грозные молнии! | Fly, fearsome lightnings! |
Jupiter Oak Evolution | Летите, грозные молнии! Древо Юпитера! (episode 161) Древо жизни Юпитера, в бой! (episode 164) Юпитер! Грозные молнии! (episode 168) Священное древо Юпитера! (episode 169) Древо жизни Юпитера! (episodes 171 and 174) Священное дерево Юпитера! (episode 179) Древо жизни Юпитера! Я помогу тебе с ней справиться! (episode 191) |
Fly, fearsome lightnings! Jupiter tree! Jupiter life tree, to battle! Jupiter! Fearsome lightnings! Jupiter sacred tree! Jupiter life tree! Jupiter sacred tree! Jupiter life tree! I'll help you deal with her! |
Sailor Venus
Original | Russian | Translation |
Venus Power, Make Up | Сила Венеры, в бой! (episodes 36, 42, and 48) Призма Венеры, дай мне силу! (episode 37) Сила Венеры, дай нам силу! (episode 45) Сила Венеры, дайте нам силу! (episode 54) Венера, дайте нам силу! (episode 58) |
Venus power, to battle! Venus prism, give me the power! Venus power, give us the power! Venus power, give us the power! Venus, give us the power! |
Venus Star Power, Make Up | Сила Венеры, дай мне силу! Сила Венеры, дайте нам силу! (episodes 71, 72, 75, and 87) Сила Венеры, дай нам силу! (episode 93) Сила планеты Венеры, дай мне силу! (episode 123) Сила Венеры, дай мне силу! В бой! (episode 124) Сила Венеры, в бой! (episode 126) Звезда Венеры, дай мне силу! (episode 133) Венера, дай мне силу! (episode 141) |
Venus power, give me the power! Venus power, give us the power! Venus power, give us the power! Venus planet power, give me the power! Venus power, give me the power! To battle! Venus power, to battle! Venus star, give me the power! Venus, give me the power! |
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up | Кристалл Венеры, дай нам силу! (episode 154) Кристалл Венеры, дай нам силы! (episode 155) Венера, дай мне силу! (episodes 161, 162, 175, 188, and 196) Кристалл Венеры, дай мне силу! (episode 168) Венера, дай мне силу! Дай мне силу! (episode 193) |
Venus crystal, give us the power! Venus crystal, give us the powers! Venus, give me the power! Venus crystal, give me the power! Venus, give me the power! Give me the power! |
Crescent Beam | Луч полумесяца(, в бой)! Цепь любви Венеры(, в бой)! Луч месяца, в бой! (episode 35) Священный месяц, в бой! (episode 33) Расщепляющийся луч! (episode 42) Луч полумесяца, дух огня, в бой! (episode 50) |
Crescent beam(, to battle)! Venus love chain(, to battle)! Moon beam, to battle! Holy Moon, to battle! Fissile beam! Crescent beam, fire spirit, to battle! |
Crescent Beam Shower | Луч полумесяца, в бой! | Crescent beam, to battle! |
Venus Love-Me Chain | Цепь любви Венеры(, в бой)! Сила Венеры, дай мне силу! (episode 96) Венера с вами! (episode 130) Венера дарит всем любовь! (episodes 136 and 152) Я - богиня любви! (episode 143) |
Venus love chain(, to battle)! Venus power, give me the power! Venus is with you! Venus grants everyone love! I am the goddess of love! |
Sailor Kick | Коронный удар! | Crowning blow! |
Hissatsu Love-Me Moon Chain | А как тебе понравится вот это? | And how do you like this? |
Crescent Beam Barrage | Я - Сейлор Венера, богиня любви и красоты! Получайте по заслугам! Жезл Венеры, в бой! | I am Sailor Venus, the goddess of love and beauty! Get what you deserve! Venus rod, to battle! |
Venus Love and Beauty Shock | (Венера!) Венера дарит всем любовь! Красота Венеры! Венера, порази их красотой! (episode 160) Слепящая красота Венеры, цепь любви! (episode 161) Венера! Я дарю любовь! (episode 168) Слепящая красота Венеры! (episodes 175 and 192) |
(Venus!) Venus grants everyone love! Beauty of Venus! Venus, amaze them with beauty! Venus blinding beauty, love chain! Venus! I grant love! Venus blinding beauty! |
Sailor Uranus
Original | Russian | Translation |
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up | Сила планеты Уран, дай мне силу! Сила планеты Урана, дай мне силу! (episode 107) Сила планеты Урана, в бой! (episode 122) Сила планеты Уран, в бой! (episode 126) Уран, дай нам силы! (episode 167) |
Uranus planet power, give me the power! Uranus planet power, give me the power! Uranus planet power, to battle! Uranus planet power, to battle! Uranus, give us the powers! |
World Shaking | Сгинь в преисподнюю! (episode 92) Берегись! (episode 93) Землетрясение! (episode 94) Разверзнись, твердь земная! (episode 95) Трясись, земля! (episode 98) Твердь, разверзнись! (season 3) Мир содрогнётся! (season 5) |
Go to hell! Look out! Earthquake! Open up, earth ground! Shake, earth! Ground, open up! The world will shake! |
Space Sword Blaster | Космический взрыв! (episode 169) Меч, рассекающий космос! (episode 190) |
Space explosion! Sword cutting through space! |
Sailor Neptune
Original | Russian | Translation |
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up | Сила планеты Нептун, дай мне силу! Сила планеты Нептун, в бой! (episodes 122 and 126) Нептун, дай нам силы! (episode 167) |
Neptune planet power, give me the power! Neptune planet power, to battle! Neptune, give us the powers! |
Deep Submerge | Глубокое погружение! (episodes 92, 96, 104, and 171) Световой луч! (episode 93) Ледяной шар, в бой! (episode 98) Водный столб! (episode 106) Действуй! (episode 106) Глубокая волна! (episodes 107-110 and 113) Высокая волна! (episodes 119, 122, 124, 125, and 126) Закипят воды! (episode 167) Полное погружение! (season 5) |
Deep submerge! Light beam! Iceball, to battle! Water pillar! Act! Deep wave! High wave! The waters will boil! Full submerge! |
Submarine Reflection | Полное погружение! | Full submerge! |
Sailor Pluto
Original | Russian | Translation |
Pluto Planet Power, Make Up | Сила планеты Плутон, дай мне силу! Сила планеты Плутон, вызываю тебя! (episode 121) |
Pluto planet power, give me the power! Pluto planet power, I summon you! |
Dead Scream | Не с места! (episode 112) Атака! (episode 113) Дух стихии! (episodes 119 and 123) Раздастся гром! (episode 167) Мёртвый крик! (episode 169) Крик мёртвых! (season 5) |
Don't move! Attack! Elemental spirit! There will be thunder! Dead scream! Scream of the dead! |
Sailor Saturn
Original | Russian | Translation |
Silence Wall | Стена безмолвия! | Silence wall! |
Silence Glaive Surprise | Безмолвие смерти! | Death silence! |
Sailor Chibi Moon
Original | Russian | Translation |
Moon Prism Power, Make Up | Лунная призма, дай мне силу! Лунная призма, в бой! (episode 123) Лунная призма, дай мне сил! (episode 130) |
Moon prism, give me the power! Moon prism, to battle! Moon prism, give me the powers! |
Luna P Henge | Луна Пи, изменись! | Luna P, change! |
Luna P Magic | Луна Пи, волшебство! | Luna P, magic! |
Pink Sugar Heart Attack | Сердце розовой сластёны, заклинаю тебя! (episode 103) Сердце розового сластёны, заклинаю тебя! (episode 121) Розовая сластёна, заклинаю тебя! (episode 104) Сердце розового сластёны, дай мне силу! (episodes 107, 116-118) Сердце розового сластёны, в бой! (episodes 120 and 127) Газовая атака! (episode 130) |
Pink sweet-tooth heart, I conjure you! Pink sweet-tooth heart, I conjure you! Pink sweet-tooth, I conjure you! Pink sweet-tooth heart, give me the power! Pink sweet-tooth heart, to battle! Gas attack! |
Luna P Shouka | Я - главный специалист по пожарам! | I'm the main fire specialist! |
Twinkle Yell | Пегас, прошу (тебя), защити мечты людей! Я верю в тебя! Пегас, прошу тебя, охраняй мечты людей! Я верю в тебя! (episodes 130, 131, 133, and 134) Пегас, пожалуйста, защити мечты людей! Я верю в тебя! Пегас, прошу (тебя), защити, пожалуйста, мечты людей! Я верю в тебя! Прошу тебя, Пегас, защити мечты людей! Я верю в тебя! |
Please, Pegasus, protect people's dreams! I believe in you! Please, Pegasus, guard people's dreams! I believe in you! Please, Pegasus, protect people's dreams! I believe in you! Please, Pegasus, protect people's dreams! I believe in you! Please, Pegasus, protect people's dreams! I believe in you! |
Sailor Star Fighter
Original | Russian | Translation |
Fighter Star Power, Make Up | Я - Звёздный Сейлор Воин! (male voice) Я - Звёздный Сейлор Воин! (female voice) Звёздный Сейлор Воин! (female voice) Звёздный Сейлор Воин, в бой! (female voice) |
I am Star Sailor Fighter! I am Star Sailor Fighter! Star Sailor Fighter! Star Sailor Fighter, to battle! |
Star Serious Laser | Сила, движущая звёзды! | Star-moving force! |
Sailor Star Healer
Original | Russian | Translation |
Healer Star Power, Make Up | Звёздный Сейлор Целитель! (female voice) Я - Звёздный Сейлор Целитель! (female voice) Звёздный Сейлор! (female voice) |
Star Sailor Healer! I am Star Sailor Healer! Star Sailor! |
Star Sensitive Inferno | Нежный звёздный ураган! | Gentle star hurricane! |
Sailor Star Maker
Original | Russian | Translation |
Maker Star Power, Make Up | Звёздный Сейлор Творец! (male voice) Звёздный Сейлор Творец! (female voice) Я - Звёздный Творец! (female voice) |
Star Sailor Creator! Star Sailor Creator! I am Star Creator! |
Star Gentle Uterus | Милосердие звёздного источника! | Mercy of the star source! |
2018 dub
Sailor Moon
Original | Russian | Translation |
Moon Prism Power, Make Up | Лунная призма, дай мне силу! | Moon Prism, give me the power! |
Moon Power, [disguise] ni nare | Сила Луны, преврати меня в [disguise]! Во имя Луны, хочу быть [disguise]! (episode 3) Лунная сила, преврати меня в [disguise]! (episode 6) |
Moon power, transform me into [disguise]! In the name of Moon, I want to be [disguise]! Moon power, transform me into [disguise]! |
Moon Tiara Action | Лунная диадема, в бой! | Moon diadem, to battle! |
Moon Tiara Stardust | Лунная диадема, рассыпь звёздную пыль! | Moon diadem, spread the stardust! |
Sailor Moon Kick | Сейлор Мун, в бой! | Sailor Moon, to battle! |
Moon Healing Escalation | Сила Луны, исцели! | Moon power, heal! |
Sailor Mercury
Original | Russian | Translation |
Mercury Power, Make Up | Призма Меркурия, дай мне силу! | Mercury prism, give me the power! |
Sabão Spray | Мыльный дождь, в бой! | Soap rain, to battle! |
Sailor Mars
Original | Russian | Translation |
Mars Power, Make Up | Призма Марса, дай мне силу! | Mars prism, give me the power! |
Fire Soul | Дух огня(, в бой)! | Fire spirit(, to battle)! |
Akuryo Taisan | Сила, гармония, интуиция, энергия, исцеление, бдительность! Злой дух, пропади! | Strength, harmony, intuition, energy, healing, alertness! Evil spirit, disappear! |
Sailor Jupiter
Original | Russian | Translation |
Jupiter Power, Make Up | Призма Юпитера, дай мне силу! | Jupiter prism, give me the power! |
Supreme Thunder | Юпитер, моя планета-хранитель, вызови бурю, пригони тучи, и пусть разразится гром! Разразись, гроза(, в бой)! | Jupiter, my guardian planet, cause the storm, summon the clouds, and let the thunder break out! Break out, thunderstorm(, to battle)! |
Sailor Venus
Original | Russian | Translation |
Venus Power, Make Up | Призма Венеры, дай мне силу! | Venus prism, give me the power! |
Crescent Beam | Луч полумесяца, в бой! | Crescent beam, to battle! |
XL Media started publishing a Russian-translated edition of Sailor Moon manga which was based on Kodansha's 2011 release starting in December 2018. It is being published under the name Sailor Moon. As of August 2020, the first five volumes have been published, with the following volumes remaining to be published soon.
The manga translation used all original names, without any changes. Even though the manga's title was Sailor Moon, the Sailor Senshi were still called Сейлор Мун, Сейлор Меркури etc. Transformation and attack phrases were translated.
- In a 2005 press summary for Sailor Moon SuperS, it was incorrectly stated that Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon were sisters and came from the Moon, Tiger's Eye was referred to as a girl who deceives the Sailor Senshi by stealing Pegasus' appearance, and the Dream Mirrors were also called "dream boxes."
- The teaser trailer for the 2018 dub used the song "Всё исправить" (Everything done), performed by MBAND.