Moon Crisis, Make Up

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This article is about Sailor Moon's and Sailor Chibi Moon's transformation into their Super forms. For the attack using the Golden Crystal, see Moon Crisis Power.

Sailor Senshi Transformation
Moon Crisis, Make Up in the anime
Transformation Name: Moon Crisis, Make Up
Transformation Name (kanji/kana): ムーン・クライシス・メイク・アップ
English Name: Moon Cosmic Dream Action, Super Moon Crisis Power, Moon Crisis Make Up
Performed by: Super Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Chibi Moon
Item Required: Crisis Moon Compact (Sailor Moon), Chibi Moon Compact (Sailor Chibi Moon)
First Used (anime): Protect a Mother's Dream! The New Attack for Double Moon (Double Moon), Sailor Moon Eternal (Sailor Chibi Moon only)
First Used (manga): Act 39 Yume 1 Nisshoku Dream (Double Moon), Act 45 Yume 7 Mirror Dream (Sailor Chibi Moon only)
First Used (musical): Sailor Moon SuperS - Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni...

Moon Crisis, Make Up was the command used by Usagi and Chibiusa to transform into Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon, respectively.

Moon Crisis, Make Up in Crystal (Double Moon)

In the anime and Sailor Moon Crystal versions of the Double Moon transformation, the Crisis Moon Compact and Chibi Moon Compact appeared, their lids opening to reveal the crystals inside; both crystals flashed, the latter apparently in response to the former. Usagi and Chibiusa appeared with their Compacts affixed to their chests, then rotated as translucent pink ribbons appeared to form their leotards. They turned back to back as their skirts, boots, and gloves formed, then moved face-to-face while their other accessories and tiaras appeared. They then turned and assumed their finishing pose.

Moon Crisis, Make Up in Crystal (Chibi Moon only)

In the Super Sailor Chibi Moon only version that appeared in Sailor Moon Eternal, the Chibi Moon Compact appeared, its lid opening to reveal the crystal inside. Chibiusa shouted "Moon Crisis...," then white light radiated from the Compact and Chibiusa raised her right hand, calling out "Make Up." Super Sailor Chibi Moon then appeared in full sailor fuku, hovering in a jumping pose.
