A Lenda do Luar

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A Lenda do Luar (The Legend of the Moonlight) is the Sailor Moon first Brazilian Portuguese opening.It was one of the first anime openings sung in Brazilian Portuguese. It was sung by Sarah Regina for the Gota Mágica dub in 1996.

Brazilian Portuguese

Brazilian Portuguese English Translation
Mesmo querendo não posso ser sincera, Even I want,I can't be sincere,
pois nos meus sonhos eu me confesso; because in my dreams I confess myself;
E nestes sonhos voam fantasias, And in these dreams fly fantasies,
e muita insônia me causarão. and it'll cause me a lot of insomnia.
Agora mesmo queria ver-te, I wanted to see you right now,
e estar contigo sob a luz da Lua; and be with you in the moonlight;
Mas esta luz não me deixa dizer-te, But this light doesn't let me say to you,
que quero viver nova emoção! that I want to live new emotion!
Um caleidoscópio é meu coração! A kaleidoscope is my heart!
Luz da Lua guie este amor! Moonlight,guide this love!
Mesmo que a Lua ilumine o caminho, Even if the Moon shines the way,
e aqui sozinha eu te pergunto: and here,alone I ask to you:
Terei de novo o mesmo carinho? Will I have the same fondness again?
Será que um dia ele voltará? Will he come back someday?
Com o teu brilho em seu olhar. With the bright of your look.
Então o amor renascerá! Then the love will reborn!


  • This song is a little bit different from the original Moonlight Densetsu,in the music,and in the lyrics too.
  • In the opening video,the Japanese Sailor Moon logo is substitued by Queen Serenity sequences,like in the Mexican version.

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