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[http://down.rigour.info/blog/fumetti-hentay.htm fumetti hentay] [http://all.rigour.info/lancia-lybra/ lancia lybra sw intensa] The original incarnation of [[Sailor Moon (series)|''Sailor Moon'']], the '''''manga''''' was written by [[Naoko Takeuchi]] and published in [[Kodansha]]'s ''[[Nakayoshi]]'' magazine between 1992 and 1997. This first edition consisted of 18 volumes covering 52 acts. However, Volume 11 contained short stories that did not follow the main storyline. Beginning in 2003, the series was rereleased in [[Japan]] in a new format known as the "Renewal Edition" or "Shinzōban" (新装版; lit. "newly bound edition"); in this new edition, slight corrections were made to dialog and art. The new edition consisted of 12 volumes (each with new cover art) covering 60 acts, as well as two additional volumes separating the short stories from the main storyline.
'''''Sailor Moon (manga)''''' refers to the original incarnation of [[Sailor Moon (series)|''Sailor Moon'']], which was written and illustrated by [[Naoko Takeuchi]], and published in [[Kodansha]]'s ''[[Nakayoshi]]'' magazine between 1992 and 1997. The first edition consisted of 18 volumes covering 52 acts. However, Volume 11 contained short stories that did not follow the main storyline.  
An English translated version was produced by [[TokyoPop]] soon after the first Japanese edition.
Beginning in 2003, the series was re-released in [[Japan]] in a new format known as the "renewal edition" or "shinshouban" (新装版; newly bound edition). This new edition had new cover art and title logo, as well as slight corrections to dialogue and the artwork in some panels. The new edition consisted of 12 volumes covering 60 acts, as well as two additional volumes separating the short stories from the main storyline. [[Sailor Moon in North America#Manga|An English translated version]] was produced by [[TokyoPop]] soon after the first Japanese edition, and a second edition version based on the shinshouban edition was released by Kodansha Comics USA beginning in September 2011. 
For the 20th anniversary of the manga there was another re-release, this one called the "complete edition" or "kanzenban" (完全版). This version again had new cover art, and the inside pages were digitally remastered, with color restored to pages that had been in color in the original ''Nakayoshi'' run, but not the subsequent [[tankoubon]] releases. The kanzenban edition was released in 10 volumes, plus two additional volumes including the ''[[Codename: Sailor V]]'' storyline. This version of the manga was released by Kodansha as the "Eternal Edition" beginning in September 2018.
Naoko Takeuchi also released seven [[artbook]]s containing art from the manga series, including the cover illustrations, pictures from the chapter heading pages, and other images of the characters.
Naoko Takeuchi also released seven [[artbook]]s containing art from the manga series, including the cover illustrations, pictures from the chapter heading pages, and other images of the characters.
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==Manga Arcs==
==Manga Arcs==
===Sailor Moon===
===Sailor Moon===
The original storyline is sometimes referred to as the "Dark Kingdom" arc. This story arc basically corresponds with the [[Sailor Moon (first season)|first season]] of the [[Sailor Moon (anime)|anime series]] and the [[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon|live-action series]]. It consists of Acts 1-13 (overlapping slightly with the second story arc), and was contained in Volumes 1-4 of the original [[tankoubon]] and Volumes 1-3 of the reprint manga.
The original storyline is sometimes referred to as the "[[Dark Kingdom]]" arc. This story arc basically corresponds with the [[Sailor Moon (first season)|first season]] of the [[Sailor Moon (anime)|anime series]], [[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon|live-action series]], and [[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal|Crystal]]. It consists of Acts 1-13 (overlapping slightly with the second story arc), and was contained in Volumes 1-4 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 1-3 of the reprint manga.
1. [[Act 1 - Usagi - Sailor Moon]] <br>
{| border ="0" cellpadding ="1" cellspacing ="0" class="infobox bordered" align="center" style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
2. [[Act 2 - Ami - Sailor Mercury]]<br>
3. [[Act 3 - Rei - Sailor Mars]]<br>
! width="325" | '''Original'''
4. [[Act 4 - Kamenfutoukai - Masquerade]]<br>
! width="325" | '''Shinsouban'''
5. [[Act 5 - Makoto - Sailor Jupiter]]<br>
! width="325" | '''English'''
6. [[Act 6 - Tuxedo Kamen - Tuxedo Mask]]<br>
7. [[Act 7 - Mamoru Chiba - Tuxedo Mask]]<br>
|Act 1 Usagi - Sailor Moon
8. [[Act 8 - Minako - Sailor V]]<br>
|[[Act 1 Usagi SAILORMOON]]
9. [[Act 9 - Serenity - Princess]]<br>
|Act 1 Usagi, Sailor Moon
10. [[Act 10 - Moon - Tsuki]]<br>
11. [[Act 11 - Saikai - Endymion]]<br>
|Act 2 Ami - Sailor Mercury
12. [[Act 12 - Kessen - Reincarnation]]<br>
13. [[Act 13 - Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petite Etranger]]<br>
|Act 2 Ami, Sailor Mercury
|Act 3 Rei - Sailor Mars
|[[Act 3 Rei SAILORMARS]]
|Act 3 Rei, Sailor Mars
|Act 4 Kamenbutoukai - Masquerade
|[[Act 4 Masquerade Kamenbutoukai]]
|Act 4 Masquerade Dance Party
|Act 5 Makoto - Sailor Jupiter
|[[Act 5 Makoto SAILORJUPITER]]
|Act 5 Makoto, Sailor Jupiter
|Act 6 Tuxedo Kamen - Tuxedo Mask
|[[Act 6 Tuxedo Kamen TUXEDO MASK]]
|Act 6 Tuxedo Mask
|Act 7 Mamoru Chiba - Tuxedo Mask
|[[Act 7 Mamoru Chiba TUXEDO MASK]]
|Act 7 Mamoru Chiba, Tuxedo Mask
|Act 8 Minako - Sailor V
|[[Act 8 Minako SAILOR V]]
|Act 8 Minako, Sailor V
|Act 9 Serenity - Princess
|[[Act 9 Serenity PRINCESS]]
|Act 9 Serenity, Princess
|Act 10 Moon - Tsuki
|[[Act 10 MOON Tsuki]]
|Act 10 Moon
|Act 11 Saikai - Endymion
|[[Act 11 Saikai ENDYMION]]
|Act 11 Reunion, Endymion
|Act 12 Kessen - Reincarnation
|[[Act 12 Teki QUEEN METARIA]]
|Act 12 Enemy, Queen Metalia
|Act 13 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petit Etranger
|[[Act 13 Kessen REINCARNATION]]
|Act 13 Final Battle, Reincarnation
|[[Act 14 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari PETIT ÉTRANGER]]
|Act 14 Conclusion and Commencement, Petite Étrangere
Several elements of this arc can be seen in the [[Sera Myu|musicals]] ''[[Sailor Moon - Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen|Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen]]'' and [[Sailor Moon - Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen (Kaiteiban)|its revision]], ''[[Sailor Moon Super Spring Festival]]'', ''[[Eien Densetsu]]'' and [[Eien Densetsu (Kaiteiban) - The Final First Stage|its revision]], ''[[Shin Densetsu Kourin]]'', ''[[Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu]]'', ''[[Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin - The Second Stage Final|Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin]]'' and ''[[The Super Live]]''. The storyline was more directly adapted in ''[[La Reconquista]]'', ''[[Nogizaka46 Version Musical]]'' and [[Nogizaka46 Version Musical 2019|its revision]]. [[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon|PGSM]] followed closely to this part of the manga in some respects.
===Black Moon===
===Black Moon===
The second story arc corresponds with the second part of the [[Sailor Moon R|second season]] of the anime series. It comprises Acts 13-23, contained in Volumes 4-7 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 3-5 of the reprint manga.  
The second story arc corresponds with the second part of the [[Sailor Moon R|second season]] of the anime series and the second season of Crystal. It comprises Acts 13-23, contained in Volumes 4-7 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 3-5 of the reprint manga.
{| border ="0" cellpadding ="1" cellspacing ="0" class="infobox bordered" align="center" style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
! width="325" | '''Original'''
! width="325" | '''Shinsouban'''
! width="325" | '''English'''
|Act 13 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petit Etranger
|[[Act 14 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari PETIT ÉTRANGER]]
|Act 14 Conclusion and Commencement, Petite Étrangere
|Act 14 Black Moon Koan - Sailor Mars
|[[Act 15 Shinnyuu SAILORMARS]]
|Act 15 Infiltration, Sailor Mars
|Act 15 Black Moon Berthier - Sailor Mercury
|[[Act 16 Yuukai SAILORMERCURY]]
|Act 16 Abduction, Sailor Mercury
|Act 16 Black Moon Petz - Sailor Jupiter
|[[Act 17 Himitsu SAILORJUPITER]]
|Act 17 Secret, Sailor Jupiter
|Act 17 Black Moon Calaveras - Sailor Venus
|[[Act 18 Shinryaku SAILORVENUS]]
|Act 18 Invasion, Sailor Venus
|Act 18 Time Warp - Sailor Pluto
|[[Act 19 Time Warp SAILORPLUTO]]
|Act 19 Time Warp, Sailor Pluto
|Act 19 Crystal Tokyo - King Endymion
|[[Act 20 Crystal Tokyo KING ENDYMION]]
|Act 20 Crystal Tokyo, King Endymion
|Act 20 Nemesis - Sakusou
|[[Act 21 Sakusou NEMESIS]]
|Act 21 Complication, Nemesis
|Act 21 Nemesis - Anyaku
|[[Act 22 Omowaku NEMESIS]]
|Act 22 Hidden Agenda, Nemesis
|Act 22 Kougeki - Black Lady
|[[Act 23 Anyaku WISEMAN]]
|Act 23 Covert Maneuvers, Wiseman
|Act 23 Saisei - Never Ending
|[[Act 24 Kougeki BLACK LADY]]
|Act 24 Attack, Black Lady
|[[Act 25 Taiketsu DEATH PHANTOM]]
|Act 25 Showdown, Death Phantom
|[[Act 26 Saisei NEVER ENDING]]
|Act 26 Replay, Never Ending
The musical ''[[Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady]]'' and [[Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady (Kaiteiban) - Wakusei Nemesis no Nazo|its revision]] covered this arc's plotline, and ''[[Petite Étrangère]]'' was based on it.
===Mugen (Infinity)===
The third story arc corresponds with the [[Sailor Moon S|third season]] of the anime series and the [[Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal#Season 3|third season]] of Crystal. In this story arc, the act titles began to match the arc name, and it includes Acts 24-33, which were contained in Volumes 7-10 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 6-8 of the reprint manga.
{| border ="0" cellpadding ="1" cellspacing ="0" class="infobox bordered" align="center" style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
! width="325" | '''Original'''
! width="325" | '''Shinsouban'''
! width="325" | '''English'''
|Act 24 Mugen 1 - Yokan
|[[Act 27 Mugen 1 Yokan]]
|Act 27 Infinity 1, Premonition
|Act 25 Mugen 2 - Hamon
|[[Act 28 Mugen 2 Hamon]]
|Act 28 Infinity 2, Ripples
|Act 26 Mugen 3 - Futari - New Soldiers
|[[Act 29 Mugen 3 Futari NEW SOLDIERS]]
|Act 29 Infinity 3, Two New Soldiers
|Act 27 Mugen 4 - Sailor Uranus - Tenou Haruka Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru
|[[Act 30 Mugen 4 SAILORURANUS Tenou Haruka SAILORNEPTUNE Kaiou Michiru]]
|Act 30 Infinity 4, Sailor Uranus Haruka Ten'ô, Sailor Neptune Michiru Kaiô
|Act 28 Mugen 5 - Sailor Pluto - Meiou Setsuna
|[[Act 31 Mugen 5 SAILORPLUTO Meiou Setsuna]]
|Act 31 Infinity 5, Sailor Pluto, Setsuna Meiô
|Act 29 Mugen 6 - Three Senshi
|[[Act 32 Mugen 6 3 Senshi]]
|Act 32 Infinity 6, Three Guardians
|Act 30 Mugen 7 - Henshin - Super Sailor Moon
|[[Act 33 Mugen 7 Henshin SUPER SAILORMOON]]
|Act 33 Infinity 7, Transformation, Super Sailor Moon
|Act 31 Mugen 8 - "Labyrinth Mugen" 1
|[[Act 34 Mugen 8 "Labyrinth Mugen" 1]]
|Act 34 Infinity 8, "Infinite Labyrinth" 1
|Act 32 Mugen 9 - "Labyrinth Mugen" 2
|[[Act 35 Mugen 9 "Labyrinth Mugen" 2]]
|Act 35 Infinity 9, "Infinite Labyrinth" 2
|Act 33 Mugen 10 - Mugendai
|[[Act 36 Mugen 10 Mugendai - Joukuu]]
|Act 36 Infinity 10, Infinite - Upper Atmosphere
|[[Act 37 Mugen 11 Mugendai - Shinpan]]
|Act 37 Infinity 11, Infinite - Judge
|[[Act 38 Mugen 12 Mugendai - Tabidachi]]
|Act 38 Infinity 12, Infinite - Journey
This arc was covered by the musicals ''[[Sailor Moon S - Usagi Ai no Senshi e no Michi|Usagi Ai no Senshi e no Michi]]'', ''[[Sailor Moon S - Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi|Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi]]'' and [[Sailor Moon S - Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi (Kaiteiban)|its revision]], ''[[Shin / Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi - Last Dracul Jokyoku]]'', ''[[Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth]]'' and [[Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth (Kaiteiban)|its revision]], and ''[[Un Nouveau Voyage]]''.
===Yume (Dream)===
The fourth story arc corresponds with the [[Sailor Moon SuperS|fourth season]] of the anime series and with ''[[Sailor Moon Eternal]]''. It includes Acts 34-42, which were contained in Volumes 12-15 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 8-10 of the reprint manga.
{| border ="0" cellpadding ="1" cellspacing ="0" class="infobox bordered" align="center" style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
! width="325" | '''Original'''
! width="325" | '''Shinsouban'''
! width="325" | '''English'''
|Act 34 Yume 1 - Nisshoku Dream
|[[Act 39 Yume 1 Nisshoku Dream]]
|Act 39 Dream 1, Eclipse Dream
|Act 35 Yume 2 - Mercury Dream
|[[Act 40 Yume 2 Mercury Dream]]
|Act 40 Dream 2, Mercury Dream
|Act 36 Yume 3 - Mars Dream
|[[Act 41 Yume 3 Mars Dream]]
|Act 41 Dream 3, Mars Dream
|Act 37 Yume 4 - Jupiter Dream
|[[Act 42 Yume 4 Jupiter Dream]]
|Act 42 Dream 4, Jupiter Dream
|Act 38 Yume 5 - Venus Dream
|[[Act 43 Yume 5 Venus Dream]]
|Act 43 Dream 5, Venus Dream
|Act 39 Yume 6 - New Soldier Dream
|[[Act 44 Yume 6 New Soldier Dream]]
|Act 44 Dream 6, New Soldiers Dreams
|Act 40 Yume 7 - Elysion Dream
|[[Act 45 Yume 7 Mirror Dream]]
|Act 45 Dream 7, Mirror Dream
|Act 41 Yume 8 - Dead Moon Dream
|[[Act 46 Yume 8 Elysion Dream]]
|Act 46 Dream 8, Elysion Dream
|Act 42 Yume 9 - Earth and Moon Dream
|[[Act 47 Yume 9 Dead Moon Dream]]
|Act 47 Dream 9, Dead Moon Dream
|[[Act 48 Yume 10 Princess Dream]]
|Act 48 Dream 10, Princess Dream
|[[Act 49 Yume 11 Earth and Moon Dream]]
|Act 49 Dream 11, Earth and Moon Dream
Elements of this arc appeared in the musicals ''[[Sailor Moon SuperS - Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni...]]'' and [[Sailor Moon SuperS - (Kaiteiban) Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... Saturn Fukkatsu Hen|its revision]], ''[[Sailor Moon SuperS Special Musical Show]]'', and ''Shin Densetsu Kourin''. ''[[Amour Eternal]]'' was based on it.
The fifth and final story arc corresponds with the second part of the [[Sailor Moon Sailor Stars|last season]] of the anime series and with ''[[Sailor Moon Cosmos]]'', though the anime finished before the manga run was completed, and there are some large differences in the plot. It includes Acts 43-52, which were contained in Volumes 16-18 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 11-12 of the reprint manga.
{| border ="0" cellpadding ="1" cellspacing ="0" class="infobox bordered" align="center" style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
! width="325" | '''Original'''
! width="325" | '''Shinsouban'''
! width="325" | '''English'''
|Act 43 Stars 1
|[[Act 50 Stars 1]]
|Act 50 Stars 1
|Act 44 Stars 2
|[[Act 51 Stars 2]]
|Act 51 Stars 2
|Act 45 Stars 3
|[[Act 52 Stars 3]]
|Act 52 Stars 3
|Act 46 Stars 4
|[[Act 53 Stars 4]]
|Act 53 Stars 4
|Act 47 Stars 5
|[[Act 54 Stars 5]]
|Act 54 Stars 5
|Act 48 Stars 6
|[[Act 55 Stars 6]]
|Act 55 Stars 6
|Act 49 Stars 7
|[[Act 56 Stars 7]]
|Act 56 Stars 7
|Act 50 Stars 8
|[[Act 57 Stars 8]]
|Act 57 Stars 8
|Act 51 Stars 9
|[[Act 58 Stars 9]]
|Act 58 Stars 9
|Act 52 Stars 10
|[[Act 59 Stars 10]]
|Act 59 Stars 10
|[[Act 60 Stars 11]]
|Act 60 Stars 11
Many elements of this arc were featured in various musicals, most notably in ''[[Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (musical)|Sailor Moon Sailor Stars]]'' and [[Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (Kaiteiban)|its revision]], ''Eien Densetsu'' and its revision, ''Shin Densetsu Kourin'', ''Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu'', and ''Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin''. The story was also covered in ''[[Le Mouvement Final]]''.
==Side Stories==
* [[Kaguya-hime no Koibito]]
* [[Casablanca Memory]]
* [[Parallel Sailor Moon]]
* [[Chibiusa]]'s Picture Diary
** [[Chapter 1 Beware of the Transfer Student]]
** [[Chapter 2 Beware of Tanabata]]
** [[Chapter 3 Beware of Cavities]]
13. [[Act 13 - Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petite Etranger]]<br>
* Exam Battle Stories
14. [[Act 14 - Black Moon Koan - Sailor Mars]]<br>
** [[Chapter 1 The Melancholy of Mako-chan]]
15. [[Act 15 - Black Moon Berthier - Sailor Mercury]]<br>
** [[Chapter 2 Ami-chan's First Love]]
16. [[Act 16 - Black Moon Petz - Sailor Jupiter]]<br>
** [[Chapter 3 Rei's and Minako's Girls School Battle?]]
17. [[Act 17 - Black Moon Calaveras - Sailor Venus]]<br>
18. [[Act 18 - Time Warp - Sailor Pluto]]<br>
19. [[Act 19 - Crystal Tokyo - King Endymion]]<br>
20. [[Act 20 - Nemesis - Sakusou]]<br>
21. [[Act 21 - Nemesis - Anyaku]]<br>
22. [[Act 22 - Kougeki - Black Lady]]<br>
23. [[Act 23 - Saisei - Never Ending]]<br>
===Infinity (Mugen)===
* Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Side Story
The third story arc corresponds with the [[Sailor Moon S|third season]] of the anime series. In this story arc, the act titles began to match the arc name, but it includes Acts 24-33, which were contained in Volumes 7-10 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 5-7 of the reprint manga.
** [[The Secret Hammer Price Hall]]
24. [[Mugen 1 - Yokan]]<br>
[[Category: Sailor Moon manga|*]]
25. [[Mugen 2 - Hamon]]<br>
26. [[Mugen 3 - Futari - New Soldiers]]<br>
27. [[Mugen 4 - Sailor Uranus (Tenou Haruka)

Latest revision as of 07:16, 15 March 2023

Sailor Moon (manga) refers to the original incarnation of Sailor Moon, which was written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi, and published in Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine between 1992 and 1997. The first edition consisted of 18 volumes covering 52 acts. However, Volume 11 contained short stories that did not follow the main storyline.

Beginning in 2003, the series was re-released in Japan in a new format known as the "renewal edition" or "shinshouban" (新装版; newly bound edition). This new edition had new cover art and title logo, as well as slight corrections to dialogue and the artwork in some panels. The new edition consisted of 12 volumes covering 60 acts, as well as two additional volumes separating the short stories from the main storyline. An English translated version was produced by TokyoPop soon after the first Japanese edition, and a second edition version based on the shinshouban edition was released by Kodansha Comics USA beginning in September 2011.

For the 20th anniversary of the manga there was another re-release, this one called the "complete edition" or "kanzenban" (完全版). This version again had new cover art, and the inside pages were digitally remastered, with color restored to pages that had been in color in the original Nakayoshi run, but not the subsequent tankoubon releases. The kanzenban edition was released in 10 volumes, plus two additional volumes including the Codename: Sailor V storyline. This version of the manga was released by Kodansha as the "Eternal Edition" beginning in September 2018.

Naoko Takeuchi also released seven artbooks containing art from the manga series, including the cover illustrations, pictures from the chapter heading pages, and other images of the characters.

Manga Arcs

Sailor Moon

The original storyline is sometimes referred to as the "Dark Kingdom" arc. This story arc basically corresponds with the first season of the anime series, live-action series, and Crystal. It consists of Acts 1-13 (overlapping slightly with the second story arc), and was contained in Volumes 1-4 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 1-3 of the reprint manga.

Original Shinsouban English
Act 1 Usagi - Sailor Moon Act 1 Usagi SAILORMOON Act 1 Usagi, Sailor Moon
Act 2 Ami - Sailor Mercury Act 2 Ami SAILORMERCURY Act 2 Ami, Sailor Mercury
Act 3 Rei - Sailor Mars Act 3 Rei SAILORMARS Act 3 Rei, Sailor Mars
Act 4 Kamenbutoukai - Masquerade Act 4 Masquerade Kamenbutoukai Act 4 Masquerade Dance Party
Act 5 Makoto - Sailor Jupiter Act 5 Makoto SAILORJUPITER Act 5 Makoto, Sailor Jupiter
Act 6 Tuxedo Kamen - Tuxedo Mask Act 6 Tuxedo Kamen TUXEDO MASK Act 6 Tuxedo Mask
Act 7 Mamoru Chiba - Tuxedo Mask Act 7 Mamoru Chiba TUXEDO MASK Act 7 Mamoru Chiba, Tuxedo Mask
Act 8 Minako - Sailor V Act 8 Minako SAILOR V Act 8 Minako, Sailor V
Act 9 Serenity - Princess Act 9 Serenity PRINCESS Act 9 Serenity, Princess
Act 10 Moon - Tsuki Act 10 MOON Tsuki Act 10 Moon
Act 11 Saikai - Endymion Act 11 Saikai ENDYMION Act 11 Reunion, Endymion
Act 12 Kessen - Reincarnation Act 12 Teki QUEEN METARIA Act 12 Enemy, Queen Metalia
Act 13 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petit Etranger Act 13 Kessen REINCARNATION Act 13 Final Battle, Reincarnation
  Act 14 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari PETIT ÉTRANGER Act 14 Conclusion and Commencement, Petite Étrangere

Several elements of this arc can be seen in the musicals Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen and its revision, Sailor Moon Super Spring Festival, Eien Densetsu and its revision, Shin Densetsu Kourin, Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu, Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin and The Super Live. The storyline was more directly adapted in La Reconquista, Nogizaka46 Version Musical and its revision. PGSM followed closely to this part of the manga in some respects.

Black Moon

The second story arc corresponds with the second part of the second season of the anime series and the second season of Crystal. It comprises Acts 13-23, contained in Volumes 4-7 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 3-5 of the reprint manga.

Original Shinsouban English
Act 13 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari - Petit Etranger Act 14 Shuuketsu Soshite Hajimari PETIT ÉTRANGER Act 14 Conclusion and Commencement, Petite Étrangere
Act 14 Black Moon Koan - Sailor Mars Act 15 Shinnyuu SAILORMARS Act 15 Infiltration, Sailor Mars
Act 15 Black Moon Berthier - Sailor Mercury Act 16 Yuukai SAILORMERCURY Act 16 Abduction, Sailor Mercury
Act 16 Black Moon Petz - Sailor Jupiter Act 17 Himitsu SAILORJUPITER Act 17 Secret, Sailor Jupiter
Act 17 Black Moon Calaveras - Sailor Venus Act 18 Shinryaku SAILORVENUS Act 18 Invasion, Sailor Venus
Act 18 Time Warp - Sailor Pluto Act 19 Time Warp SAILORPLUTO Act 19 Time Warp, Sailor Pluto
Act 19 Crystal Tokyo - King Endymion Act 20 Crystal Tokyo KING ENDYMION Act 20 Crystal Tokyo, King Endymion
Act 20 Nemesis - Sakusou Act 21 Sakusou NEMESIS Act 21 Complication, Nemesis
Act 21 Nemesis - Anyaku Act 22 Omowaku NEMESIS Act 22 Hidden Agenda, Nemesis
Act 22 Kougeki - Black Lady Act 23 Anyaku WISEMAN Act 23 Covert Maneuvers, Wiseman
Act 23 Saisei - Never Ending Act 24 Kougeki BLACK LADY Act 24 Attack, Black Lady
  Act 25 Taiketsu DEATH PHANTOM Act 25 Showdown, Death Phantom
  Act 26 Saisei NEVER ENDING Act 26 Replay, Never Ending

The musical Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady and its revision covered this arc's plotline, and Petite Étrangère was based on it.

Mugen (Infinity)

The third story arc corresponds with the third season of the anime series and the third season of Crystal. In this story arc, the act titles began to match the arc name, and it includes Acts 24-33, which were contained in Volumes 7-10 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 6-8 of the reprint manga.

Original Shinsouban English
Act 24 Mugen 1 - Yokan Act 27 Mugen 1 Yokan Act 27 Infinity 1, Premonition
Act 25 Mugen 2 - Hamon Act 28 Mugen 2 Hamon Act 28 Infinity 2, Ripples
Act 26 Mugen 3 - Futari - New Soldiers Act 29 Mugen 3 Futari NEW SOLDIERS Act 29 Infinity 3, Two New Soldiers
Act 27 Mugen 4 - Sailor Uranus - Tenou Haruka Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru Act 30 Mugen 4 SAILORURANUS Tenou Haruka SAILORNEPTUNE Kaiou Michiru Act 30 Infinity 4, Sailor Uranus Haruka Ten'ô, Sailor Neptune Michiru Kaiô
Act 28 Mugen 5 - Sailor Pluto - Meiou Setsuna Act 31 Mugen 5 SAILORPLUTO Meiou Setsuna Act 31 Infinity 5, Sailor Pluto, Setsuna Meiô
Act 29 Mugen 6 - Three Senshi Act 32 Mugen 6 3 Senshi Act 32 Infinity 6, Three Guardians
Act 30 Mugen 7 - Henshin - Super Sailor Moon Act 33 Mugen 7 Henshin SUPER SAILORMOON Act 33 Infinity 7, Transformation, Super Sailor Moon
Act 31 Mugen 8 - "Labyrinth Mugen" 1 Act 34 Mugen 8 "Labyrinth Mugen" 1 Act 34 Infinity 8, "Infinite Labyrinth" 1
Act 32 Mugen 9 - "Labyrinth Mugen" 2 Act 35 Mugen 9 "Labyrinth Mugen" 2 Act 35 Infinity 9, "Infinite Labyrinth" 2
Act 33 Mugen 10 - Mugendai Act 36 Mugen 10 Mugendai - Joukuu Act 36 Infinity 10, Infinite - Upper Atmosphere
  Act 37 Mugen 11 Mugendai - Shinpan Act 37 Infinity 11, Infinite - Judge
  Act 38 Mugen 12 Mugendai - Tabidachi Act 38 Infinity 12, Infinite - Journey

This arc was covered by the musicals Usagi Ai no Senshi e no Michi, Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi and its revision, Shin / Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi - Last Dracul Jokyoku, Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth and its revision, and Un Nouveau Voyage.

Yume (Dream)

The fourth story arc corresponds with the fourth season of the anime series and with Sailor Moon Eternal. It includes Acts 34-42, which were contained in Volumes 12-15 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 8-10 of the reprint manga.

Original Shinsouban English
Act 34 Yume 1 - Nisshoku Dream Act 39 Yume 1 Nisshoku Dream Act 39 Dream 1, Eclipse Dream
Act 35 Yume 2 - Mercury Dream Act 40 Yume 2 Mercury Dream Act 40 Dream 2, Mercury Dream
Act 36 Yume 3 - Mars Dream Act 41 Yume 3 Mars Dream Act 41 Dream 3, Mars Dream
Act 37 Yume 4 - Jupiter Dream Act 42 Yume 4 Jupiter Dream Act 42 Dream 4, Jupiter Dream
Act 38 Yume 5 - Venus Dream Act 43 Yume 5 Venus Dream Act 43 Dream 5, Venus Dream
Act 39 Yume 6 - New Soldier Dream Act 44 Yume 6 New Soldier Dream Act 44 Dream 6, New Soldiers Dreams
Act 40 Yume 7 - Elysion Dream Act 45 Yume 7 Mirror Dream Act 45 Dream 7, Mirror Dream
Act 41 Yume 8 - Dead Moon Dream Act 46 Yume 8 Elysion Dream Act 46 Dream 8, Elysion Dream
Act 42 Yume 9 - Earth and Moon Dream Act 47 Yume 9 Dead Moon Dream Act 47 Dream 9, Dead Moon Dream
  Act 48 Yume 10 Princess Dream Act 48 Dream 10, Princess Dream
  Act 49 Yume 11 Earth and Moon Dream Act 49 Dream 11, Earth and Moon Dream

Elements of this arc appeared in the musicals Sailor Moon SuperS - Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... and its revision, Sailor Moon SuperS Special Musical Show, and Shin Densetsu Kourin. Amour Eternal was based on it.


The fifth and final story arc corresponds with the second part of the last season of the anime series and with Sailor Moon Cosmos, though the anime finished before the manga run was completed, and there are some large differences in the plot. It includes Acts 43-52, which were contained in Volumes 16-18 of the original tankoubon and Volumes 11-12 of the reprint manga.

Original Shinsouban English
Act 43 Stars 1 Act 50 Stars 1 Act 50 Stars 1
Act 44 Stars 2 Act 51 Stars 2 Act 51 Stars 2
Act 45 Stars 3 Act 52 Stars 3 Act 52 Stars 3
Act 46 Stars 4 Act 53 Stars 4 Act 53 Stars 4
Act 47 Stars 5 Act 54 Stars 5 Act 54 Stars 5
Act 48 Stars 6 Act 55 Stars 6 Act 55 Stars 6
Act 49 Stars 7 Act 56 Stars 7 Act 56 Stars 7
Act 50 Stars 8 Act 57 Stars 8 Act 57 Stars 8
Act 51 Stars 9 Act 58 Stars 9 Act 58 Stars 9
Act 52 Stars 10 Act 59 Stars 10 Act 59 Stars 10
  Act 60 Stars 11 Act 60 Stars 11

Many elements of this arc were featured in various musicals, most notably in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars and its revision, Eien Densetsu and its revision, Shin Densetsu Kourin, Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu, and Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin. The story was also covered in Le Mouvement Final.

Side Stories