Defeat Rubeus! The Final Battle in Space

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Episode Data
Sailor Moon is affected by Rubeus' ship's gravity
Original Episode
Name (Kanji/kana): ルベウスを倒せ! 宇宙空間の決戦
Name (Romaji): Rubeusu wo Taose! Uchuu Kuukan no Kessen
Name (Translated): Defeat Rubeus! The Final Battle in Space
Name (Viz Dub): Defeat Rubeus: The Battle in Space
Episode Number: 74
Director: Hiroki Shibata
Writer: Katsuyuki Sumizawa
Animation Director: Katsumi Tamegai
Air Date: November 13, 1993
Previous Episode: A UFO Appears! The Sailor Senshi are Abducted
Next Episode: A Mysterious New Senshi, Sailor Pluto Appears
First English Dub Episode
Name: Rubeus Strikes Out
Number: 67
Company: DiC
Air Date: December 1, 1998
Previous Episode: Rubeus Evens the Score
Next Episode: The Secret of the Luna Sphere

With the rest of the Sailor Team captured by Rubeus, Sailor Moon plans a rescue, and is taken aboard the UFO for a final showdown.


Coming soon.

Episode trivia

  • This episode marked the death of Rubeus.
  • In the first English dub, the images of the four Senshi suspended from black crystal crosses, a brief shot of Esmeraude smacking Rubeus's hand, and Rubeus's death were all cut.


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Sailor Moon R
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