Talk:Awaken, Sleeping Beauty! Mamoru's Distress

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Can anyone clean the Summary up a little, it's probably riddled with spelling errors (I am dyslexic and my spelling sucks) and it's a bit overly long (it's one of my favourite episodes, so I have a hard time "trimming the fat").
Also, on a sidenote I cried buckets when first watched this (it was one of the episodes I'd missed dubbed so I've only seen the original). I still got a bit sniffly when I rewatched it this afternoon, I'm one of those emotional masochists that likes shows that makes them cry :P GracieLizzie 11:33, 26 May 2006 (MST)
Wow, really? You know, I never thought much of this episode. I guess I was too irked at Mamoru's behaviour during this season to give him much leeway. Still, if this were a Haruka/Michiru episode I'd probably be in agreement with you ^_~
The summary looks good, but I'll give it a look over and edit it down a bit. Incidentally, are you sure it's the Crown Fruit Parlor? I realise that's the logical conclusion since Unazuki is working there, but I'm curious if it's named or not, because to my knowledge it wasn't named until the beginning of SuperS. Dooky 12:23, 26 May 2006 (MST)
Ooh, just one more thing: you don't have to bother linking 'Usagi' to 'Sailor Moon' since in all likelihood we'll eventually have separate articles for both. Dooky 12:25, 26 May 2006 (MST)
Actually, two things kicked ass about this episode: Luna telling Mamoru off, and then Mamoru transforming on the bike ^_^ Dooky 12:44, 26 May 2006 (MST)
That's why I love this episode so much I adore Luna (who is probably my favourite character) ans she really shined in that scene. GracieLizzie 15:16, 26 May 2006 (MST)
I agree that the bike transformation was kickass. This episode also made me cry; because of the fact that Mamoru was having such a conflict with himself, and the fact that he cried at the end of the episode. *bawls* Griffie 15:50, 24 January 2009 (MST)