Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up

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Sailor Senshi Transformation
Saturn Crystal Power Make Up.jpg
Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up in Crystal
Transformation Name: Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up
Transformation Name (kanji/kana): サターン・クリスタル・パワー・メイク・アップ
English Name: Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up
Performed by: Super Sailor Saturn
Item Required: Saturn Crystal
First Used (anime): Sailor Moon Eternal
First Used (manga): Act 45 Yume 7 Mirror Dream
First Used (musical): Amour Eternal

Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up was the transformation phrase used by Super Sailor Saturn in the manga, musicals, and Crystal.

The transformation was very brief. First, the planetary symbol of Saturn appeared, then Hotaru raised her right hand and shouted "Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up," as her nails were colored purple. Hotaru appeared hovering in the fetal position, then turned as she extended her arms and legs, the focus shifting to her forehead; white light radiated from her forehead and then became the gem of her tiara as it appeared. Super Sailor Saturn then appeared in full sailor fuku, opening her eyes and sweeping down into her finishing pose with the Silence Glaive.
