El Cor en Moviment
El Cor en Moviment was the ending theme song for the first season of the Catalan dub of the Sailor Moon anime that aired in Spain. The song was a translation of "Heart Moving," and was performed by Manolita Domínguez.
En un somni, érem tu i jo, i des del cel
Les estrelles ens miraven.
Simplement, la nostra amistat era molt gran,
I parlàvem amb tranquil·litat, i rèiem tant...
Però, de sobte, vaig adonar-me'n: el cor em bategava amb neguit.
Visc enamorada: és un secret, però t'ho vull dir.
En un somni, érem amics més que ningú.
Ara et vull donar l'amor d'aquell temps.
Tot canviarà si t'enamores de veritat.
Guardaré el secret, però jo t'ho vull dir.
English Translation[edit]
In a dream, there were both of us, and from the sky
The stars were watching us.
Simply put, our friendship was grand,
And we were talking calmly, and we laughed so much...
But, suddenly, I noticed it: my heart was beating with anxiety.
I am in love: it's a secret, but I want to tell it to you.
In a dream, we were friends more than anything.
Now I want to give you the love of those times.
Everything will change if you truly fall in love.
I'll keep the secret, but I want to tell it to you.