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Revision as of 17:06, 26 July 2015 by Kerochan no Miko (talk | contribs)
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Character Information
Name: {{{Name}}}
Name (kanji/kana): {{{JP Name}}}
Alignment: {{{Alignment}}}
Species: {{{Species}}}
Gender: {{{Gender}}}
Lives: {{{Lives}}}
Occupation: {{{Occupation}}}
Family: {{{Family}}}
Associates: {{{Associates}}}
Aliases: {{{Aliases}}}
First Anime Appearance: {{{Anime}}}
First Manga Appearance: {{{Manga}}}
First PGSM Appearance: {{{PGSM}}}
English Name: {{{Dub Name}}}
Actors: {{{Actors}}}


For more extensive usage information, please see the talk page.
| image                    = 
| color                    = 
| Name                     = 
| JP Name                  = 
| Alignment                = 
| Species                  = 
| Gender                   = 
| Lives                    = 
| Occupation               = 
| Family                   = 
| Associates               = 
| Aliases                  = 
| Anime                    = 
| Manga                    = 
| PGSM                     = 
| Dub Name                 = 
| Actors                   = 
Colour Scheme for Character Boxes (replace the 'color' parameter with one of these, kids)
Colour Alignment
#ffff66 Moon Kingdom
#ffcc99 Civilian
#cccccc Dark Agency
#cc99cc Dark Kingdom
#99ff99 Makaiju
#3399ff Black Moon Clan
#99cccc Death Busters
#ff9999 Dead Moon
#ff9900 Shadow Galactica
#ff6666 Kinmoku
#ccffcc Misc. Evil (Fiore, Kaguya etc.)
#9999ff Fictional/Mythical