Senshi killed by the Shadow Galactica

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The Senshi killed by the Shadow Galactica were the little-known Sailor Senshi who were never mentioned in the anime. In the manga and Crystal, one of them appeared in a flashback and the others were only referred to by name. They were all killed to allow the Sailor Animamates to take their Sailor Crystals and become Senshi.

Sailor Chuu

This Senshi was killed so that Sailor Iron Mouse could take her Sailor Crystal and become a Senshi herself. She was the Senshi of Chuu.

Sailor Coronis

Sailor Coronis in Crystal

This Senshi was killed so that Sailor Lead Crow could take her Sailor Crystal and become a Senshi herself. She was the Senshi of Coronis, the home planet of Phobos and Deimos.

Sailor Mermaid

This Senshi was killed so that Sailor Aluminum Seiren could take her Sailor Crystal and become a Senshi herself. She was the Senshi of Mermaid.

Sailor Mau

This Senshi was killed so that Sailor Tin Nyanko could take her Sailor Crystal and become a Senshi herself. She was the Senshi of Mau, the home planet of Luna and Artemis.

Sailor Cocoon

This Senshi was killed so that Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon could take her Sailor Crystal and become a Senshi herself. She was the Senshi of Cocoon. (Note: Sailor Cocoon was never named in any of the manga or Crystal sources; her name is derived from that of her planet, which was also only mentioned in the Materials Collection.)

Sailor Senshi
Solar System Senshi
Sailor Moon/Princess Sailor Moon | Sailor Mercury/Dark Mercury | Sailor Mars | Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Venus/Sailor V | Sailor Chibi Moon
Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune | Sailor Pluto | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Juno | Sailor Ceres | Sailor Vesta | Sailor Pallas
Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon | Sailor Cosmos | Sailor Luna | Sailor Astarte
Kinmoku Senshi
Sailor Star Fighter | Sailor Star Healer | Sailor Star Maker | Sailor Kakyuu
Shadow Galactica Senshi
Sailor Galaxia | Sailor Iron Mouse | Sailor Aluminum Seiren | Sailor Lead Crow | Sailor Tin Nyanko | Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Sailor Pewter Fox | Sailor Titanium Kerokko | Sailor Chi | Sailor Phi | Sailor Theta | Sailor Lethe | Sailor Mnemosyne | Sailor Buttress
Senshi killed by the Shadow Galactica | Sailor Chaos