Sparkling Summer Days! Ami, the Girl in the Ocean Breeze

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Episode Data

Original Episode
Name (Kanji/kana): きらめく夏の日! 潮風の少女亜美
Name (Romaji): Kirameku Natsu no Hi! Shiokaze no Shoujo Ami
Name (Translated): Sparkling Summer Days! Ami, the Girl in the Ocean Breeze
Name (Viz Dub): Shining Summer Days: Ami Under the Sea-Breeze
Episode Number: 144
Director: Hiroki Shibata
Writer: Ryota Yamaguchi
Animation Director: Masahiro Ando
Air Date: August 12, 1995
Previous Episode: Time to Believe the Pegasus! The Super Transformations of the Sailor Senshi
Next Episode: Aim for the Prima! Usagi's Ballet
First English Dub Episode
Name: Beach Blanket Bungle
Number: 137
Company: Cloverway
Air Date: October 18, 2000
Previous Episode: Kickin' into High Gear
Next Episode: Tutu Treachery

Shingo develops a crush on Ami during a trip to the beach, while Tiger's Eye plots to seduce her.


Coming soon.

Episode trivia[edit]

  • In the German dub, Ponko being too embarrassed to reveal the name of her golden ball attack was changed to her asking the Inner Senshi why they do not tell her that she was the greatest at creating balls.


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