Sailor Mars

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Character Information
Name: Sailor Mars
Name (kanji/kana): セーラーマーズ
Alignment: Moon Kingdom, Crystal Tokyo
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Lives: Tokyo
Occupation: Sailor Senshi
Family: Grandfather, father (estranged; manga and PGSM only), mother (deceased; manga and PGSM only), Kengo Ibuki (cousin; anime only), Rei Jr (future daughter; "Parallel Sailor Moon" only)
Associates: Solar System Senshi
Aliases: Rei Hino, Princess Mars (manga and Crystal only)
First Anime Appearance: Cursed Buses! Fire Senshi Mars Appears
First Manga Appearance: Act 3 Rei SAILORMARS
First PGSM Appearance: Act 3 - The Third Senshi is Miko Rei
English Name: Sailor Mars
Actors: Michie Tomizawa (anime); Rina Satoh (Crystal); Keiko Kitagawa (PGSM); Katie Griffin (dub 1-65, 83+), Emilie Barlow (dub 66-82); Cristina Valenzuela (Viz dub)

Sailor Mars was the fourth Senshi discovered by the moon cats in 20th-century Tokyo. Her civilian identity was Rei Hino, or Raye Hino in the English dub.

Sailor Mars was given different titles throughout the various series, including "Guardian of War" (戦いの戦士) and "Guardian of Flame and Passion" (炎と情熱の戦士), under the protection of the "Planet of Fire" (火の星). Depending on the continuity, she would also refer to herself just as the "Guardian of Flame" (炎の戦士) or the "Guardian of Passion" (情熱の戦士).



Rei was a miko at the Hikawa Shrine, and as such had some powers the other Senshi did not; for example, she was able to do fire readings and had some psychic ability.



  • Akuryo Taisan - One of Rei's powers as a miko. She threw an ofuda at the enemy while yelling "Akuryo Taisan." When the ofuda was placed on an opponent it could immobilize them, or as in the R movie, purify them of an evil influence.
  • Fire Soul - Sailor Mars shot a fireball from her fingertips.
  • Fire Soul Bird - A more powerful version of Fire Soul that was in the shape of a phoenix, and was used a few times in the R season as well as in numerous video games.
  • Burning Mandala - Sailor Mars' upgraded attack that first appeared in the R season, in which she shot rings of flame at her enemies.


  • Sailor Mars' (Classic, R, S) vastly dominant color was red (earrings, choker, collar, center of front bow, elbow fittings of gloves, skirt, back waist bow, and heels) and her accent color was purple (front bow). Her earrings were five-pointed stars, her collar had one white stripe, and she wore red high heels rather than boots.
  • After the "Super" upgrade (SuperS, Stars), her earrings were six-pointed stars, her choker had a yellow star attached to it, her collar remained at one white stripe, the center of her front bow was a red heart, the bottom of the shoulder pads was translucent, and the back waist bow was enlarged and lengthened.




  • Mars Power, Make Up - Used her first transformation pen to transform into Sailor Mars.
  • Mars Star Power, Make Up - Used her Star Power Stick to transform into Sailor Mars.
  • Mars Crystal Power, Make Up - Used her Mars Crystal to transform into Super Sailor Mars and Eternal Sailor Mars.


  • Akuryo Taisan - Sailor Mars caused the target to be consumed by flames. She could also threw an ofuda while yelling "Akuryo Taisan" to either immobilize an opponent or exorcise enemy influence over a person or place.
  • Burning Mandala - Sailor Mars summoned globes of fire to burn down the enemy.
  • Mars Snake Fire - Sailor Mars created a snake out of fire that attacked her opponent.
  • Mars Flame Sniper - Sailor Mars used the Mars Arrow to fire a flame arrow at her enemies. She gained this power after transforming with the Mars Crystal.


  • Sailor Mars' first costume in the manga was mostly identical to the anime version, the only differences being that her collar had three stripes, her earrings had six points from the start, and there was a red gem attached to the middle of her belt. In one illustration in the Materials Collection, her high heels had what appeared to be a beaded or jeweled strap across the instep.
  • After the "Super" upgrade, her costume was almost completely identical to the anime version, but the star on her choker had a red gemstone in the center.
  • After the "Eternal" upgrade in the Stars arc, her choker was V-shaped and the center of her front bow was a red five-pointed star. Her shoulder pads were large light red puffs with two patches of red fabric attached to the bottom. Her gloves became longer, reaching to her upper arms. In artbook illustrations, she had two red V-shaped wristbands with golden five-pointed stars on them, but they were not present in the manga. Her belt consisted of two red ribbons, one red and one light red, with two long, thin back ribbons, clipped together by a golden five-pointed star. Her back bow was light red. Her skirt became two-layered, the top layer being red and the bottom layer light red. Her boots were knee-length and white, and each had a red V-shaped border with a five-pointed star at the top. Her tiara gem was a red five-pointed star. Her earrings were red five-pointed stars.


Super Sailor Mars in Sailor Moon Eternal



  • Mars Power, Make Up - Used her first transformation pen to transform into Sailor Mars.
  • Mars Star Power, Make Up - Used her Star Power Stick to transform into Sailor Mars.
  • Mars Planet Power, Make Up - Used her Star Power Stick to transform into Sailor Mars.
  • Mars Crystal Power, Make Up - Used her Mars Crystal to transform into Super Sailor Mars and Eternal Sailor Mars.


  • Akuryo Taisan - Sailor Mars caused the target to be consumed by flames. She could also threw an ofuda while yelling "Akuryo Taisan" to either immobilize an opponent or exorcise enemy influence over a person or place.
  • Burning Mandala - Sailor Mars summoned fire to burn the enemy.
  • Mars Snake Fire - Sailor Mars created a snake out of fire that attacked her opponent.
  • Mars Flame Sniper - Sailor Mars used the Mars Arrow to fire a flame arrow at her enemies. She gained this power after transforming with the Mars Crystal.


  • Her costume was similar to the manga version and followed the same changes, but after her "Eternal" upgrade she had red V-shaped wristbands with golden five-pointed stars on them which were not present in the manga.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon[edit]

Sailor Mars in PGSM


Sailor Mars was able to turn her and Sailor Venus' Sailor Star Tambourines into a pair of daggers in order to fight the Youma created by Princess Sailor Moon in the Final Act. These same daggers also appeared in the Special Act, only that time they were used by Sailor Venus.


  • Mars Power, Make Up - The only transformation phrase used by Sailor Mars in PGSM.


  • Akuryo Taisan - One of Rei's powers as a miko. She threw an ofuda at the enemy while yelling "Akuryo Taisan."
  • Youma Taisan - This attack was similar to Fire Soul, but in this version Sailor Mars formed a fireball between her hands and threw it at the enemy.
  • Burning Mandala - Sailor Mars' strongest attack in PGSM.
  • Unnamed attack - Sailor Mars used an attack which was not named on screen, in which she used her Sailor Star Tambourine to send red star-shaped energy toward her target.


  • Sailor Mars' costume in PGSM was almost completely identical to the manga version. The only differences were that her gloves were longer, coming up past her elbows (unlike those of the other Senshi), and that her star earrings only had four points.


Megumi Yoshida as
Super Sailor Mars

In the musicals, Sailor Mars was played by Hiroko Nakayama, Misako Kotani, Asuka Umemiya, Hiromi Sakai, Eri Kanda, Megumi Yoshida, Aiko Kawasaki, Risa Honma, Kanon Nanaki, Karen Kobayashi, Kazumi Takayama, Ranze Terada, Kotomi Hirai, Kyoko Ninomiya, Yui Hasegawa, Seira Hayakawa, Rei Kobayashi, Hina Okamoto, and Miku ​​Ichinose. She had one image song, "Honoo no Messenger."


Sailor Mars' sailor fuku in the Bandai run of the musicals had two major versions.

  • In the first version, Sailor Mars' bows, glove fittings, and sleeves were purple, while her skirt, collar, and choker were red. Later versions of the costume changed her sleeves to red. The brooch attached to the front bow was star-shaped and golden, with a red gem in the middle. She also had a golden star in the center of her choker and golden star earrings. All of the trim on her costume, as well as the stripes on her collar, was gold. This version was never seen after Sailor Moon S - Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi (Kaiteiban).
  • The second version was essentially faithful to her "Super" version in the manga and anime. Her front bow was lavender, her collar, glove fittings, and choker were red, and her back bow was red. Her skirt had two layers, the top one being red and the bottom one violet. Her choker ornament was a golden star with a red circle and the Mars symbol in the center. The brooch on her front bow was a heart-shaped red gem ringed in gold. Her earrings were five-pointed stars. Her shoes were slightly different from the anime and manga, as they each had a strap across the instep.

In Nogizaka46 "5th Generation" Version Musical 2024, she will wear the red gem attached to the middle of her belt that she had in the manga and live-action series.

Video Games[edit]


In the video games in which she appeared, Sailor Mars used the powers standard to her appearances in other versions of canon, but the following are powers unique only to the video games.


  • Fire Heel Drop - Used in Sailor Moon S: Jougai Rantou!? Shuyaku Soudatsusen and Sailor Moon SuperS: Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen.


  • In the anime, Sailor Mars was the only one of the five Inner Senshi who never had an attack that was used only once.

Sailor Senshi
Solar System Senshi
Sailor Moon/Princess Sailor Moon | Sailor Mercury/Dark Mercury | Sailor Mars | Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Venus/Sailor V | Sailor Chibi Moon
Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune | Sailor Pluto | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Juno | Sailor Ceres | Sailor Vesta | Sailor Pallas
Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon | Sailor Cosmos | Sailor Luna | Sailor Astarte
Kinmoku Senshi
Sailor Star Fighter | Sailor Star Healer | Sailor Star Maker | Sailor Kakyuu
Shadow Galactica Senshi
Sailor Galaxia | Sailor Iron Mouse | Sailor Aluminum Seiren | Sailor Lead Crow | Sailor Tin Nyanko | Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Sailor Pewter Fox | Sailor Titanium Kerokko | Sailor Chi | Sailor Phi | Sailor Theta | Sailor Lethe | Sailor Mnemosyne | Sailor Buttress
Senshi killed by the Shadow Galactica | Sailor Chaos