A Youma's Scent! Chanelas Steal Love

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Episode Data
Shingo becomes increasingly obsessed with his pet chanela.
Original Episode
Name (Kanji/kana): 妖魔の香り! シャネーラは愛を盗む
Name (Romaji): Youma no Kaori! Shaneera wa Ai wo Nusume
Name (Translated): A Youma's Scent! Chanelas Steal Love
Name (Viz Dub): Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Episode Number: 5
Director: Yuji Endo
Writer: Shigeru Yanagawa
Animation Director: Ikuko Ito
Air Date: April 11, 1992
Previous Episode: Usagi Will Teach You! How to Lose Weight
Next Episode: Protect the Melody of Love! Usagi is a Cupid
First English Dub Episode
Name: N/A
Number: N/A
Company: N/A
Air Date: N/A
Previous Episode: Learn How to Be Skinny from Usagi
Next Episode: Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid

When Usagi's brother Shingo finds out that she has a cat, he buys a new type of pet called a chanela, which has a disturbing influence on his personality.


Usagi is awakened from her dreams of Tuxedo Mask by Shingo, who has discovered Luna sleeping on his bed. Shingo has a fear of cats, and demands that Luna is thrown out. Usagi asks her parents if they can keep Luna as a pet, and they respond by saying that Usagi and Shingo should work it out between themselves.

In the Dark Kingdom, Jadeite informs Queen Beryl of a plan to gather energy by harnessing and enhancing human desires. Meanwhile, Luna's attempts to get on Shingo's good side backfire. Shingo confesses his fear of cats to his friend Mika, who shows him a new kind of pet called a chanela. The chanelas are fluffy rabbit-like creatures that emit a powerful scent, and are only sold at a newly owned pet shop, Pet Shop Perfume. The animals exhibit a hypnotic power over Shingo and Mika, and they both buy one. Once with their pets, they lose interest in anything else. When Luna tries again to get Shingo to like her, he kicks her away. Usagi's parents decide that the family will keep both Luna and the chanela, but Shingo is still not satisfied. He goes to his room with the chanela and refuses to come out, even for school.

Many of Usagi's classmates have also bought chanelas. They hide them when Haruna comes into the classroom, but soon cannot resist trying to look at them. When Haruna tries to confiscate the pets, the students turn violent and leave the class in protest. Usagi and Naru are suspicious of the chanelas, and Usagi decides to investigate the pet shop.

Usagi enters the shop and meets Luna, who is also investigating. Failing to heed Luna's warnings, she falls under the spell of a chanela and takes it home. Seeing the effect it has on Usagi, Luna takes the animal away, and Usagi is returned to normal. They try to take Shingo's chanela too, but he runs away. Usagi becomes Sailor Moon and follows him back to the pet shop. There, the assembled chanela owners come under the influence of Jadeite's Youma, Iguara, and prepare to spread chanelas across Azabu-Juuban. Sailor Moon returns Shingo and the others to normal using Moon Tiara Stardust, and destroys the Youma with Moon Tiara Action. After the battle, Shingo follows Sailor Moon, believing she is Sailor V. Hiding from her brother, Sailor Moon introduces herself and tells Shingo to be nice to a cat he knows called Luna. Shingo complies, and completely spoils Luna from that moment on.

Episode trivia[edit]

  • This was the first episode directed by Yuji Endo, and the first one to feature the animation direction of Ikuko Ito.


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